551 18 13

{The warmth of the sun in winter}


"I thought you two had already left?" Luis spoke upon our arrival back to the Manor.

He looked slightly agitated and worried, clearly anxious about the fact that we could have heard who he was talking to. I had questions. I had so many questions. He was talking to the trio. He was risking his life by talking to them, his family was on one side and he knew it. If he got caught—it could send him to his immediate death. 

"Opal lost her gloves at the fountain—we had to go back and get them," I told him before I placed Opal down on the couch and took off her winter clothes. 

"How was shopping?" Cissy asked enthusiastically as Draco emerged from the fireplace. 

I was too focused on Opal to even think about responding. She had seen Luis talking to the trio too, I needed to somehow make sure she didn't spill about what we had heard. I was riddled with anxiety, and a sudden wave of negativity hit me so hard I fell back onto the floor. 

"Amy?" Draco sat down next to me. 

His eyes were worried, frantic as they examined my every feature. I couldn't respond, I just needed the negativity gone. It filled me up, soaked through my skin and bled through every vein in my body. I could feel it crawling and scratching around inside me. I could feel my hands beginning to shake and tremble as I was filled with it. Everything. It wasn't just my anxiety. It was Luis', Draco's and somewhere in the mix, I could feel Jasmine too. I had never been able to determine where the energy came from, but it seemed so clear to me. 

My jaw trembled as I tried to speak, "High- highest cupboard in- in the kitchen. Cal- calming draught." 

Someone ran, others stayed still. I was still shaking. No, I was trembling. I could feel it all. My senses were everywhere. I could feel how still some were stood, I could feel Draco's hand on my back while the other was balled up in a fist. I took his clenched hand and somehow managed to place the crystal in his palm over my heart, making him hold it there while I tried to calm myself down. 

"Calming draught," Blaise's voice sounded, and I soon found myself ingesting the horrid potion. 

My shaking had subsided, but I didn't let go of Draco's hand while it was still placed over my chest. I took in deep and partially steady breaths before I looked up to Opal. Her wide eyes confused, her mouth gaping open. I instantly felt guilty.

"Cissy?" I asked, "Can you take Opal up to her room?" 

My eyes closed as I leaned back into Draco. Cissy's footsteps became distant and I could feel as Opal was taken away. Her energy faded, I could feel her energy. My senses were somehow heightened to their full extent. I could tell where everyone was standing with my eyes closed. I could feel how their energy pulsed off them and flowed into my body. 

"Blaire—there's a bowl of crystals to your left. Can you give everyone an amethyst to hold, please?" I asked. 

She didn't know. Blaise didn't know. Jaz didn't even know. They didn't understand why I was like this. They didn't know that I had missed my cleansing. But I knew that it wouldn't do much now anyway. I had been consumed by negative energy, it wouldn't wash away. It wasn't that easy anymore. Charlie knew though, of course he knew. Charlie knew how to handle his energy, he was calm, there wasn't an ounce of stress or negativity that fell from him. 

Everything seemed to ease a little more as they all held onto their amethysts. I let out a long sigh before I completely fell back into Draco, letting him hold onto me. I didn't want to open my eyes, I didn't want to see how worried everyone was, I could already tell how worried they were. 

Opia / D.M 18+Where stories live. Discover now