Chapter 98

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I lifted my eyes slightly when I saw Sadiq pull a curtain around the bed. "I'm really sorry about what happened Leah." I looked back up unable to look at him. "Daryl is waiting just outside for you." I nodded slightly still feeling no desire to speak. "I just want to make sure everything is all right." I closed my eyes as I forced my legs apart feeling them unable to stop shaking. I saw blood smeared around my upper thigh and bit my lip when he pulled out a warm cloth.

"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" I put my head in my hands, "I don't want to answer any questions. I'm sorry." He gave me a small smile, "I understand. I'll tell Daryl he's good to come in."

It took a few minutes I assumed the two of them were talking. I placed my hand around my neck slowly lifting my head to stare in the mirror. My neck has a straight red line scar around it from where he ripped my necklace off. I then saw the cut from where the blade was pressed into my neck. From this mirror I saw how many bruises lined my upper arms, shoulders and chest.

I turned surprised to see Michonne and Daryl both walk in. Quickly I pulled Daryls shirt back up hiding my body from them. Instead of speaking Daryl put his arms around me and I sank my head into his shoulder letting myself go still. Michonne reached her hand out setting it on top of mine.

"I miss Dad so much. I miss Carl and Benjamin. I hate this. I hate being alive in this world." Michonne sighed, "I'm sorry we let you down Leah. We were supposed to keep you safe and we failed." I shook my head, "if you failed I would be dead." Daryl nodded, "your families around you, even if you don't believe in that. They're looking down, hell we're all your family." I bit my lip pushing myself away from him and back down on the bed. "I just need to be alone." Daryl nodded, "I get it." Michonne stepped forward planting a small kiss on my forehead, "I love you Leah. Enough for me, your dad, your mom, Carl and Benjamin." I had to literally bite back tears as she said that immediately letting them fall when she left the room.

My tears had already dried by the time Sadiq came back. He handed me a small pill, I took it slowly examining it. "Is this so I don't get pregnant?" He nodded, "it's your choice to take it or not, it's just you're young." He gave me a small smile, "let me know if you need anything. I'll come and check on you in a bit."

I tossed the pill around in my hands a few times. Look at me now, Mom, Dad. I knew this kinda stuff happened, I just never expected it to be me. I didn't expect that I could ever feel more alone than I do right now. Carl you wouldn't know the right thing to say but you'd say something stupid and make me laugh. Benjamin I'm sorry I let him break that necklace. I took a deep breath popping the pill into my mouth and swallowing.

Eventually I gave up on trying to sleep every damn time I closed my eyes the whole thing played over in my head. His rough hands digging into my thighs, the blood, my neck, the way he forced himself into me.

I curled my knees close to me wishing there was some way to keep them tied together forever. I stared down at my fingers seeing moms ring, the one Carl had given me, and then the promise ring Benjamin gave me. I dug my hands into my face trying to feel anything but that boy. The people who I needed most weren't here anymore. I slammed my hand down on the bed and used the other to muffle my cry. "Hey," Daryl whispered opening the curtain slightly. It was the middle of the night and he was here looking at me like this. "I'm pathetic." I sobbed loudly pulling the hand away from my mouth. He shook his head sitting down, "cmere kid." I let myself fall onto his shoulder as he put his arms around me. It wasn't Dad, but it was the next best person. "I can't do this anymore. I want my mom and dad so bad. Why did I think I could actually live without any of them." After that all the words I tried to speak came out as chocked sobs. There were no words I could've used to explain how much pain I was feeling. But Daryl understood because he was with me the entire time, through all of it. "I'm not your Dad Leah, but I'm never gonna stop looking out for you. That's what he would've wanted." I bit my lip, "do people know?" He nodded slowly, "they had to understand why we can't let outsiders in anymore." I shook my head, "so now I'm the girl who lost almost everyone important to her in one year. And the girl who was stupid enough to let herself get raped, and helped murder children who didn't know right from wrong." I felt him take a deep breath, "that's not what anyone thinks." I scoffed wiping more tears, "that's all that I think. I'm pathetic and I know it."

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