She is simply gone

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"Have you figured out what happened to my student?" McGonagall prompted leaning heavily on the Detective's desk. 

Fautin side and rubbed his head. 


"Why iz it zat you think ANYZING happened to her?" Fautin asked, exhausted from the weeks of searching. 

"What are you implying?" 

"Ginny Weasley is irrational, she has been described by everyone I have interviewed az a short fuze with an impulsive character zat would make Godric Gryffindore raize an eyebrow," Fautin said irritated "What makez you zink she didn't just run away?"

"How DARE you?" McGonagall gasped loudly. 

Fautin stood up losing all his control with his irritation at endless dead ends and unhelpful people constantly asking him questions. 

"What evidence iz zer to prove zhe did not juzt dizapear huh?" He asked, sweating harshly under the lights "You know what I zink happened? An emotional little girl got angry at ze world for not revolving around her and ran away to get attention. Maybe zhe is ztill in ze castle, hm? Maybe zhe went in zat forezt and was eaten by a centaur! Maybe zhe fell in a secret room and got stuck in zer! I don't know what happened and I am no clozer to finding out zen I was ze day I came here! Now zis girl is missing and I am sorry about it but there are other girls out zer who also are mizzing who also need my help and who haven't been mizzing for over a month. I can help zem I can not help your Ginny. I am sorry but she iz simply gone."

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