Author's Note

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Im sorry there hasnt been an update in a while. Ive been preparing for the birth of my first child and my fiancé has been in another country for the entirety of quarantine. We were planning on him coming home six months ago and he still hasn't managed to be able to. The only way for him to come home before the birth of our child is for him to go through Canada and stay there for two weeks before coming home to the USA because of the travel bans the UK has put up. I've gone through my entire pregnancy without him because he was supposed to come home after a few weeks. Our shortage of funds has prevented that from happening. We are both quickly losing hope and my passion for writing is going out the door. It's hard to try and create a world full of magic when your own world is falling apart every day. He is also struggling every day as well. His platform of choice though is Stream and for the last ten months it has been his main form of income. He is nineteen years old and I can feel his passion for it fading every day. He gets an average of two viewers at a time and he doesn't know why. It's crushing his soul working so hard for pocket change. He is in a position where his only choices are to stream or to become homeless. There are no jobs available around him. He is stuck. All I ask is that if you read this you go by his stream and say hello. You don't have to stay. You don't have to watch for long. Just give him a chance. He really needs to feel inspired right now because he is in a soul crushing position right now. So if you have made it this far please go show support. Our little family really needs some hope right now. I promise I will try and post the next chapter soon.
Twitch: NickMatthews

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