Malfoy Manor

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Draco winced slightly as a cold hand covered his shoulder. He turned his head slightly to look at the pale hand that was clutching harshly to him. His attention was dragged back to the bleeding house elf on the floor by the small whimper that left the creatures mouth. It's bones were sticking out of it's leathery skin, blood pooling underneath it.
"Malfoy's show no mercy, Draco," his father said emotionlessly.
Draco swallowed hard and turned to the crying creature. He gulped at the air around him, trying not to cry in front of the regal man who commanded his hand.
"Do it, Draco," he urged forcefully.
Draco swallowed hard and pointed his wand at the feeble animal. He watched it writhe in pain for a second, wishing he could help the house elf.

Draco sat on his bed staring down at his blood soaked hands. He had scrubbed at them until his skin tore and yet he still felt the blood under his fingernails. He could still feel the neck breaking under his small twelve year old hands. He winced and let out a small choking sound as he tried to hold back the tears.
"Malfoy's are emotionless," he whispered to himself softly "no emotions, no mercy, no pity"
He closed his eyes and focused on shoving all his emotions deep within himself. He tried. He really tried to be ruthless like his father. He bit down on his teeth and tried to slow his beating heart, he tried to empty the swollen air from inside his throat and he tried with all his might not to let the tears that haunted his silver eyes fall.
"No mercy, no mercy," he said to himself as if begging the words to harden his heart and allow himself to think of the living breathing creature that had been crushed under his hands as something as expendable as a rug or a broken lamp.
Draco felt his rage build inside himself and he stormed over to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper. He needed to do something to get that days events off his mind. Not for the first time, Draco Malfoy was turning to his worst enemy for help.

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