Chocolate buttons

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Harry stepped into Dumbledore's office with a grimace. These meetings had gotten very tedious extremely fast.
"Harry, my boy!" Dumbledore said with a smile "come in, come in! Would you like a chocolate mint? I hear they are all the rage in muggles right now,"
Harry stepped forward and took a small chocolate from the glass bowl that always sat on the elder's desk. He sat down with a frown, throwing his book bag onto the floor. He wasn't sure how he felt about the headmaster. Some days the man was a fool and Harry could barely look at him without hatred bubbling inside of him. Other days he seemed to be kind and Harry longed for a stronger connection with the man. It was odd.
"Harry I suppose we should cut to the chase," Dumbledore said with a smile "How are you feeling?"
"Tired mostly," Harry admitted "like something has been stealing the energy from my body, though I'm not sure how,"
"That does seem strange," Dumbledore said with a frown "have you come into contact with anything recently? Anything odd or strange? An old goblet or a painting or necklace? Some things can have curses on them that we don't know about until it is too late,"
"Well I found a-" No whispered a voice in Harry's mind.
Harry frowned and pulled out a bottle from his pocket and swallowed a pill from inside of it.
"Yes?" Dumbledore encouraged.
"Oh it's nothing," Harry said shaking his head.
"It may seem like nothing," Dumbledore said softly "but even the most harmless things can be dangerous. I hope you can understand my concern, Harry, if you are feeling ill,"
"I don't feel too bad," Harry said, his back tensing.
Dumbledore smiled, noticing the defensive pose the child was in and relented.
"Of course," He said, "I heard that you are returning to Scamander Manor for yule break?"
Harry relaxed at the different topic and took a bite of the mint.
"Yes, Newt has planned a big celebration," Harry said with a smile "there will even be a tree. And Cordelia is coming by to re-evaluate me, see if I've gotten any better,"
"That is good," Dumbledore said with a smile "perhaps you and your friends can get together over break?"
Harry paused and frowned.
"Truth is they aren't very happy with me this year," Harry admitted, finishing off his chocolate button.
"Ah," Dumbledore said "don't fret, Harry, people come and go in life it is all part of growing up."
"Yeah," Harry said.
"It was lovely talking with you, Harry, I do enjoy our chats." Dumbledore said with a smile.
"Have a good day, Headmaster," Harry replied with a frown.
He left the room with a frown and a stomach ache.

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