Waste Not

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Late that night, after waking from his daily sleep and before turning the time turner to go back in time and become Caleb Scamander for the day; Harry stared at the leather binding of the frayed book. The cover had a gold etching of the name 'T.M. Riddle' on the front. He wondered briefly who this T M Riddle was, flipping to the first page.
The page stared back at him blank.
'Who would buy such a fancy journal and then not write in it?' Harry asked himself, quietly.
He turned through the pages with a frown.
"Well," he muttered, pulling a pen his aunt sent him for his birthday off his bedside table "waste not, want not"
He started to write.

My name is Harry James Potter, I was born on the 31st of July in 1980, and my life is kind of crazy.

Harry sat back and sighed.
"Well, that's that then," he said with a sigh, closing the book.
Suddenly the sight of dark black ink spreading along the page made Harry pause.

My name is Harry James Potter, I was born on the 31st of July in 1980, and my life is kind of crazy.

Hello, Harry James Potter. My name is Thomas Marvelo Riddle.  I was born on the 31st of December in 1926. I bet my life is even more irrational.

Harry jumped back in bed horrified and threw the book.
"Devil! It's the devil!" He shouted, picking up his wand and pointing it at the book.
Harry, you idiot! You know the devil and you know his name is not Thomas! Stop being an idiot!
Harry calmed down slightly after scolding himself and picked up the book again.
Hello, Harry James Potter. My name is Thomas Marvelo Riddle.  I was born on the 31st of December in 1926. I bet my life is even more irrational.

How in the hell had that been written? Harry sighed and sat up, returning his pen to the paper and hesitated.

Alright, Bet.

How did you come across my journal?

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