Changing the Past

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Harry landed in the hall and looked around in a panic. No one noticed him appear. The authoritative voice that had been going through the air before was silent. Harry heard Draco Malfoy and Caleb Scamander walking down the hallway chatting happily. Harry looked around in horror his mind reeling with possibilities. Caleb stepped around the corner and stared at him with wide eyes.
"What the hell are you doing?" Caleb hissed as Draco continued to walk along.
"Do not take your pills" Harry hissed.
"Do  not-"
"Yeah yeah I heard you! Okay!" Caleb turned and ran up to Draco.
Suddenly Harry felt his head feel like it was ripped open. The halls shuddered around him and Harry was sucked into himself. He screamed in agony. And then. He woke up.

Draco was staring at Caleb in confusion.
"You okay?" Draco asked.
"Y-yeah," Caleb groaned, sitting up.
"What happened?"
"I don't remember," Caleb admitted, rubbing the spot where his head hit the floor.
"Maybe we should go to the nurse," Draco said, helping Caleb stand up.
"Yeah," Caleb muttered "maybe,"

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