Accidental Deletion

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(AN: I totally messed up and deleted this part so I'm going to have to rewrite it out of memory. My bad. I'll make it longer this time since before I had it pretty short.)
Caleb and Draco skipped down the hallway, Although it was Caleb who did most of the skipping. His hand was clamped around Draco's wrist dragging the blonde behind himself leaving the boy with a light blush as he stumbled lightly.
In the same hallway, Harry Potter and his friends walked briskly up the corridor talking between themselves about the upcoming quidditch game. Ron Weasley was for the tenth time that morning insisting that Harry join the Hufflepuff team. Harry frowned at the reminder and opened his mouth to respond.
"I told you, Ron, I can't join!"
"But why not?" Ron whined "you were brilliant on George's broom! And I still hear the Hufflepuffs complaining about how you refuse to play! Your flying lessons are still legendary!"
"Well the Ravenclaw was the one who dared me to do a corkscrew and in my defense I wouldn't have had to do half a loop if Nelson hadn't gotten in the way! And besides, honestly it's  Neville's fault."
"How is it my fault?" Neville protested.
"Madame Hooch made us fly individually after that! Took three times as long after you flew into the school!"
"It wasn't MY fault," Neville pouted "Bloody broom was broken! Besides I never did get my remembrall back from Malfoy."
Ron blushed a deep crimson at that comment. It was often brought up how Ron had tried to chase Malfoy into the sky only for the broom to refuse to fly. He stood there on the ground glaring as Malfoy laughed at him from fifty feet high before the blonde hid the ball someplace that no one had yet to find.
"Well the bloody pompous fool"
"I say, Weasel," A voice caught their attention as the two parties united "I do agree but I am surprised that you could talk of your own father like that."
Ron looked up to glare at Draco, his ears turning red. Draco smirked and looked at his reddish blonde companion for approval. Caleb however was staring at Harry with a deathly glare. Harry glared back with similar intensity. The group very quickly noticed the interaction between the two boys.
"How's your mother doing, Potter?" Caleb said with a sneer "still playing croquet in hell?"
"She's dandy," Harry responded "She sends her love and sympathy. She says she knew you and your brother are bastards but she never believed your mother was such a whore until she walked in on her sucking off Hitler,"
Hermione looked as though her eyes were about to pop out of her head as she heard the dispute. Ron was choking from laughter. Draco was staring at Harry with shock.
"Why you little-
"Bastard?" Harry finished for the furious twelve year old "how ironic that you'd use that against me when it's well known that my parents were married. Did they ever find out who exactly is your father?"
Caleb looked ready for murder.
"I know you call Newt Scamander 'Dad' but I always assumed that was because of the adoption. Now though I'm not so sure,"
Caleb stepped up to Harry, tensing for a fight.
Harry stepped forward as well, his fists clenching in front of him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Caleb growled.
"Why and I thought Scamander's were supposed to be smart," Harry laughed in the taller's face "I wonder how literal it is that you call him that, Caleb. I always thought incest was beneath your blood line, but now I'm thinking perhaps Newt Scamander had a thing for his great niece. So how'd he convince her? Was it Alcohol or Armortentia  he placed in her evening tea?"
Caleb's eyes flashed black in warning and Harry's brightened in return. The two boy's tensed and Harry tuned out the children around them. Caleb lifted his fists and made to swing when a voice cut them off.
"SCAMANDER, POTTER," they looked up to see Professor Snape glaring at them "Get to class!"
The two boy's glared at eachother, before heading off to their next classes.
Draco Malfoy was left behind still in a state of shock that tiny Harry Potter could say such mean spirited things to anyone.
Hermione was thinking the same thing, but with the added realization that the only person he had targeted was Draco's best friend and she wondered whether there was more meaning behind that.

It had taken Harry a few days to get used to seeing his futuristic counterpart walking around Hogwarts and although he knew that they could do no actual physical harm to the other, Harry still got the creeps when he saw the taller child strutting around the castle. Harry was thankful that Caleb looked nothing like himself as he was quite sure he'd have gone mad if he randomly saw Harry Potter turn a corner, even knowing about the time turner. The Beast and Angel had decided within themselves that one would sleep while the other took over a child. Harry had yet to discover if he held the awakened beast or the awakened angel, but felt exhausted by the lack of power he had originally been used to when they had worked together. However Harry thought it was a good plan that his blood had used, since now if Harry and Caleb were to be found and tested their magical core would appear very different. One would be dark and the other light and that alone would be enough to discourage any more prodding into their system. It had been a rather tedious few days and at the end of it Harry would crawl into bed turn back the time turner to a few hours back and get some very needed extra sleep while Harry and Caleb went to classes.
The odd thing of seeing someone walk around and them not looking like you or sounding like you or acting like you and yet you knowing they are you is that you get the primal urge to remind them that as the first of the two you are the dominant. You fight one another a lot and Harry was scared that the power dynamic between the two of them would cause the space time continuum to crash. That because of the dangerous game they were playing with time the entire world would be destroyed. The boy would even go as far to say that it was his greatest fear. And Harry had lived with Vernon Dursley.

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