Scamander Manor

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Scamander Manor was surprisingly small for the vast amount of wealth that Newt Scamander possessed. It stood at three stories high and was made with stone that was rubbed smooth by generations of children rubbing them as they passed the cobblestones. The manor itself held five bedrooms, a maids quarters, a nursery, a small ball room, a rather large office and several bathrooms. Harry stood on the edge of the wards staring up at the menacingly homey house. It seemed to sniff down at him in disapproval as if saying 'I suppose I will allow you to venture inside' although Harry had the feeling it was not happy at catering a room to the small orphan. Cadence gently took Harry's hand and led him up the dirt road towards the large house. His heart fluttered fearfully in Harry's chest and for a moment he actually would have rather been going back to number four Privet drive, for at least there he would know what to expect.
He paused at the bottom of the steps and took a breath. A rocking chair sat on the worn down porch and sung out a creaky song in the summer breeze. Harry swallowed hard and looked up at Cadence. The tall boy looked down at Harry with a small inviting smile.
"Welcome Home, Harry," he said softly.
Harry looked up as the large black door slowly opened with a long screech.

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