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Harry and Caleb stood in Lockhart's class staring at the chaos around them. The Gryffindor and Slytherin classes had just finished and the two Harry's were the first person(s) to arrive to the classroom.
"Seeing the damage a second time is just as shocking as the first time,"
Harry nodded and slowly entered the classroom.
"No one is here," Caleb whispered, tip toeing around the damage of broken bone and papers scattered around the empty classroom.
"We really should clean this place up," Harry said softly, looking around the room for a broom.
"Alright," Caleb agreed.

Harry and Caleb cleaned all the papers, picked up the quills, reparoed the books and even managed to restore the dragon skeleton and get it to reattach to the ceiling in only a ten minutes. They sighed as the chairs all righted themselves with a flick of their wands. It was only when they turned to look up at the ceiling did they notice Neville Longbottom attached to the chandelier by his robes.
"Oh, Neville," they sighed simultaneously "why is it always you?"
"Believe me," Neville replied weakly "I ask myself that every day,"
Harry sighed and looked at Caleb. They grabbed eachothers hands wincing as their flesh started to singe. Wands were forgotten in their pockets as the two boys raised their free hand and concentrated on the magic it would take to get Neville down.
Neville looked down and gasped as Caleb's face melted to form two Harry's standing in the room. A warmth surrounded Neville that soothed his sore muscles in a way he didn't know they could be. He felt the magic lift him up and carry him back to the floor. His shirt mended the tear and the scratch on the back of his neck from the chandelier mended itself. Neville wobbled slightly as his feet hit the floor and looked at the two Harry's in amazement. Caleb Scammander formed back into himself the second the spell ended.
"Woah," he said in amazement and then almost fell as the spell completely ended "woah!"
"Easy there, Neville," Harry said helping his friend into a chair.
"What, how? Why? How?!" Neville stuttered. 
"We have a lot of explaining to do," Harry said softly.
"Eh, never really wanted to go to this stupid class anyway," Caleb said with a shrug.

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