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The next day Ron and Harry tried to convince the girls to light the punishment they got slightly during the entire breakfast but Hermione refused to the both of them but Bree successfully managed to convince Hermione to let the boys only have two weeks of library time with Hermione.

As the four Gryffindor's walked to the first lesson towards the greenhouse to have Herbology. Ron hugged Bree from nowhere while a confused Bree just hugged him back.

"You. Ambree Lily Potter. Are our savior really. Thank you, thank you, thank you" Ron said.

"Yeah yeah but you both owe me you know"

"I don't owe you. I'm your twin brother and that's all you need yeah?"

"No. Yes but no. You still owe me"

Hermione shaked her head and dragged them all to the greenhouse.

As they arrived to the greenhouse they put on some kind of cloak and gloves and stood at the long table waiting for Professor Sprout.

"Morning everyone" Professor Sprout said happily and walking in.

The kids ignored her and continued to talk with each other and Sprout smacked a vase with some metal thing to gain their attentions.

"Good morning everyone"

"Good morning Professor Sprout" They all answered.

"Welcome to greenhouse Three second years. Gather around everyone. Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties is the Mandrake root?"

Bree as always knew the answer but Hermione raised her hand before Bree could even blink.

"Yes Miss Granger"

"Mandrake or Mandagora is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state" Hermione said.

Bree now continued for Hermione.

"It's also dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it"

"Excellent! Ten points to Gryffindor"

Ron and Harry looked happy and smiled proudly to Hermione and Bree. And Malfoy just scowled.

"As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet. But they could knock you out for hours which is why I have given you earmuffs for auditory protection. So could you please put them on right away? Quickly" Sprout said.

Everyone put on their earmuffs and secured them so they sat on good.

"Flaps tight down and watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrake firmly. You pull it up out of the pot"

Professor Sprout pulled the Mandrake up out of the pot and the Mandrake started to cry loudly causing everyone to cringe and clutching their earmuffs closer to their ears.

"Got it? And now you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm"

A thump was being heard and that was Neville fainting down on the floor. And Professor Sprout sighed.

"Longbottom has been neglecting his earmuffs"

"No ma'am. He's just fainted" Seamus said.

"Yes, we'll just leave him there"

Bree felt really bad because she found it funny how Professor Sprout just told Seamus and the rest to leave him on the floor.

She of course felt bad for Neville though.

Ambree and Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now