Eight Potters

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"These are dark times, there are no denying. Our world has, perhaps, faces no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to your citizenry: We, ever your servants, will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you. Your Ministry.. remains... strong" Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic said.


Dark Mark sparks panic.

Violence spreads. Muggle family murdered.

Hermione read on the Daily Prophet.

"Hermine. Tea's ready, darling"

"Coming mum!" She shouted back her voice shaking.


"Come on, Dudley, hurry up" Vernon said packing their stuff into their car.

"I still don't understand why we have to leave"

"Because, uh, it's not safe for us here anymore"

Harry looked out of the window opening the curtain a bit.


Ron was standing outside the Burrow, looking out on the field, thinking for himself a bit.

"Ron! Tell your father supper's nearly ready"


Hermine we're standing behind her parents in the living room who we're sitting on the couch pouring tea and watching TV.

"Is this in Australia?" Mr. Granger asked.

"Looks wonderful, doesn't it?" Mrs. Granger answered.

"Three and a half thousand kilometers along Australia's east coast" The man on the TV said.

Hermione pointed her wand towards her parents and looked at them sadly. "Obliviate"

All of the pictures where Hermione were on with herself and some with her parents, left an empty spot where Hermione would have been.

Petunia sat in the passenger seat looking quite sad.

The twins were standing infront of the house looking at the Dursley's driving away and then walked inside again.


Hermione left her house and walked away on the street from her childhood home.


A dark figure were apparating over the forest towards the Malfoy Manor.

The figure landed infront of the gate and revealing Snape who wifted with his wand and walked through the gate as if it was nothing there and the gate going back to normal.

He walked into the house and half ran up on the stairs and came up to a dinner room where Voldemort and Death Eaters sat and a woman unconscious levitating in the air. Voldemort sitting at the head of the table and they all turned to him.

"Severus. I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come, we've saved you a seat"

Snape went to sit next to the man who sat next to Voldemort. "You bring news, I trust?"

"It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall"

"I've heard differently, my Lord. Dawlish, the Auror, has let slip that the Potters will not be moved until the 30th of this month. The day before they turn 17" One named Corban Yaxley said.

"This is a false trail. The Auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Ambree and Harry Potter. Those closest to them believe we have infiltrated the Ministry"

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