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"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it yet you have no desire to find out who the Halfblood prince is?" Hermione asked when the quarter walked to Hogsmeade through the snowy winter.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it"

"Well it's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book"

"It's just like being with Hermione"

Hermione scowled at Ron and Bree.

"Well I was curious, so I went to-"

"The library"

"The library"

"The library. And?"

"And nothing. I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a halfblood prince.

"There we go. That settles it then"

"Filius! I was hoping to find you in the Three Broomsticks!"

"Uhm, no, emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace. Heh"

"Does anyone fancy a Butterbeer?"


"A chum of mine was sledging down Claxby Hill. We had a very long home made Norwegian style sledge"

Ron were on his way going to another seat but Harry stopped him. "No, not there. Over here"

They went to a table close to the fire place. Ron were almost sitting across to Harry.

"No, sit beside me"

"Okay" Ron said confused and sat beside Harry.

Hermione sat across Ron and this time Bree were almost to sit across from Harry but sat further more to the end of the table since Harry looked like he was obsessed with Slughorn.

A waiter came over to them. "Something to drink?"

"Four Butterbeers, and some ginger in mine please"

Harry and Bree noticed Malfoy inside of the Three Broomsticks and he looked kinda anxious back at them before he went over to the bathrooms.

The waiter walked away to make their orders and Ron noticed Ginny and Dean sitting away from the people very close to each other.

"Oh, bloody hell. Slick git"

They all turned to whoever Ron were talking about and looking at and saw Ginny and Dean sitting and holding hands.

Harry made some extra glances at them, and looked rather jealous.

"Honestly, Ronald, they're only holding hands"

Then they all looked back at them and the girls grimaced. "And snogging"

"I'd like to leave"

"What? You can't be serious"

"That happens to be my sister"


"What if she looks over here and saw you snogging me? You expect her to leave?"

Ron furrowed his brows.

"Take Harry as an example. If he saw Bree snogging someone he wouldn't just leave"

"Actually, Hermione. I would just drag her away from that person"

Bree gave him an 'are you serious?' look. And he just shrugged and nodded as if it was nothing.

Then he suddenly waved at someone. Bree turned around and saw Slughorn walking towards them. She remembered what Dumbledore requested them and smiled, rather awkward smile but Slughorn didn't mind.

Ambree and Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now