Surprise Visit...

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Pictures of everyone from left to right. Jabrea, Kacie, Nevada, Mack, Shaq, and Trey.

Aryanna's POV

We were finally back in New York all together again. We all met up at the airport and I knew that I missed them all but I didn't know I missed them that much. I ran into Jabrea's arms as her and Trey hugged me tight. "I've missed you guys!" I held them tight. "Oh shit is that my baby!" I turned around and saw Kacie. "Kacie!!!!!!!" We ran to each other. God it feels great to be back home again.

Justin's POV

**Knock.... Knock.... Knock....** "Is that mommy!?" Jaden screamed running towards the door. "No baby. Come here." I said picking her up to hold her. I opened the door and there they stood. Everyone... The crew... My best friends they all came to surprise me. "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" They yelled. "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!" Jaden yelled back. She jumped from my arms into Shaq's as we laughed. That's when I noticed her. Aryanna. She looked more beautiful than ever in her plain white crop top and her dark green shorts. She was always able to make the simplest shit look amazing. "Come in." I said stepping aside for them to entire. "Oh shit. Little Justy doing it big now." Jabrea laughed. " Now Bre you know I never did anything small." I said back. "Daddy." Jaden came over and climbed up in my lap and hid in my chest.

"Yall this is my daughter Jaden Marie."

Aryanna's POV

"Yall this is my daughter Jaden Marie."
Jaden Marie like Aryanna Marie. I mentally rolled my eyes. Of course he would name her Marie. Pathetic. Not even gonna lie Justin looked amazing. God I missed him and wished things were different between us but unfortunately they weren't. His daughter was beautiful and so sweet. She asked us "girls" to play Barbie dolls with her so tell me why Trey was playing with us. I guess some things don't change. "Nevada pass me those green heels. These blue ones don't match her outfit." Trey said holding his hand out for the shoes. No one said anything instead we all just stared at him. He quickly realized what he said and dropped the doll, stood up, and walked into the kitchen where the other guys were. I shook my head laughing and standing up to go and get a glass of water. "I miss her so much." I heard Justin say. "You brought this on yourself man. If you weren't a dumbass in highschool you wouldn't be having this problem right now." Mack said. I assumed they were talking about me of course. "Yeah man. She's happy. You're the one that's miserable. Raising your daughter pretty much on your own, failing marriage, and struggling to balance everything." Sean said. "Yeah son when you had a girl who would do anything to make your big head happy." Trey said. They all agreed. "But you ruined that." Shaq said. I felt like now was the perfect time to make my presence known. "Hey guys what are yall talking about?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "Football" They all said simultaneously. I nodded before asking for a glass of water.

Later that night after ordering pizza and catching up we were watching a movie. My friends are so petty because they sat perfectly around the living room so that the only open seat was next to Justin. We were watching Beyond The Lights when Jaden came and climbed in my lap eventually falling asleep. She was so cute and I found myself staring at her and brushing my hand through her hair. I wonder where Joann is? Sean did say Justin was raising Jaden on his own and his marriage was failing. We continued to watch the movie and added our opinions in about it when someone had to ruin it.

"Bitch get your hands off my child!"


And...... SCENE!!!!!!
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