Maybe I Am...

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"Who's pathetic?" I asked the two scaring them.
"What are you doing here?" Justin asked me with a shocked expression on his face.
I ignored his question and looked at the woman beside him.
"You are...." I trailed off waiting for her response.
"Khloe" She said with a slight attitude.
"Well Khloe, who's pathetic?"
She looked at Justin then at me.
"Ummm I don't know what you're talking about."
"Mhm I bet you don't." I said then looked at Justin and told him that I would see him at home, paid for my items and left.
I could've caused a seen in that store but for what? To give her attention that she most likely wants? Whatever they were talking about I'll find out and if need be, drag her ass when I do.  After I left I went and picked Jaden up from school and went home to begin dinner just like I do everyday. A few hours later Justin finally comes in after I finished getting Jaden into bed. I narrowed my eyes at him and walked into the kitchen to turn off all the lights.
"Ary.... I know your mad but let me explain." He pleaded following behind me.
"Who is she?" I asked calmly.
"My new assistant."
"Oh. When were you going to tell me that you had a new assistant?"
"Today. She just started yesterday and I kinda forgot last night."
His excuse made me want to kick him in the face. I guess it's ok for him to forget something but when I do he becomes the King of Petty.
"Then who is pathetic? Is it me?" I turned to ask him as we began walking up the stairs to our bedroom.
"No. That movie that we watched last night, we were talking about that. She suggested it to me and I was just telling her how I felt about it. The girl in the movie was pathetic." I could've slapped his ass off the stairs. Do I look stupid to him? I know that bitch was  talking about me, but ok I'll let it go for now like I always do.
"That hoe better stay in her place or she gotta go." I told him sternly. I'm not playing with him, he can have his little assistant but she better learn fast when and where her "assistance" is not required. 
"Yes ma'am." Justin said grabbing me but my butt and squeezing it while pecking me on my lips a few times.
"Carry me to bed?" I asked.
"Anything for my queen." He said swooping me up into his big arms.


"Ughhhh" I groaned as Coach Thomas one of our assistant coaches pushed me to finish what I was lifting before taking a break.
"Alright good job Combs. Get some water." I nodded my head and walked off in search of my bag with my Gatorade. We were far from the season starting considering that it just ended but let's be real, the grind never stops.
"Aye what y'all doing when Jaden gets out of school for the summer." Sean asked.
I shrugged my shoulders and thought about it. She would be done in a few weeks and I know my baby will want to go somewhere as soon as she's done.
"I don't know. I'll see what Aryanna wanna do and talk to my pops first." I said stretching before standing up.
"Why don't y'all do something like me and the wife is doing on our trip with the kids." My teammate Geno said joining in on the conversation.
"And what is that?" Sean asked tossing him a bottle of water out of the cooler next to him.
"We're going to Cabo with the rest of our family."
"We thought about doing a trip to Bora Bora but that sounds good. Ima steal that, thanks man." I said then laughed before taking my shirt and wiping the sweat off of face. We talked some more before it was time to head back and finish our workout.


"What's up pops?" I asked hugging him. I came over after workouts to get a haircut. His personal barber comes over once a month and cuts all our hair.
"Nothing sitting here making some calls." He said writing something down while I sat in our barber Chris's chair.
"I'm thinking about doing a family trip when the kids get out of school."
I scrolled through Twitter and replied to some tweets and stuff.
"Where?" Cassie asked walking in the room.
"Bora Bora or Cabo."
"Ooooo babe! Let's do that! I wanna go!" Cassie hugged my dad excitedly.
"Ok ok. Just let me know the stuff son. You need me to take care of it all?"
"I got it." I said texting Aryanna.
He nodded his head and went back to his phone calls.

To: WIFEY💍👑👅💦
From: WIFEY💍👑👅💦
- Out drinking with the girls😝🍷🍹🍺🍻🍾
To: WIFEY💍👑👅💦
-It's only 5 o'clock tho 😅
From: WIFEY💍👑👅💦
- Happy Hour💃🏾
- Oh and Jaden is with your mom. I'll be home soon..... Probably drunk🤗 Love you daddy💖😉💦
To: WIFEY💍👑👅💦
- Send my kid off so you can go drink... Smh 🙃 but I love you too mama💦💦
"Who is that wifey?" My Aunt Kim said walking in with Quincy.
"How did you know?" I hugged her then sat back down.
"You had the I'm in love face." Quincy said butting in our conversation.
"Yeah I am." I said.
"You are what?" She asked eating some m&m's that were sitting on the table.
"I'm in love."
Aunt Kim smiled and nodded her head before talking to dad about some business ideas.


I slightly stumbled into the house at maybe midnight. But girl was tonight lit? Yes, yes it was!!! After dinner and drinks with the girls we went to the movies but were put out because we couldn't stop talking through it. So we decided to hit up a local bar and turn it until a club. In my opinion I wasn't drunk just slightly more than tipsy if that was possible but I was far from drunk.
"BABE!!!!" I yelled before choking.
"Why is it so dark? And I almost just died and Justin is no where to be found. Who else is gonna tell people I died choking on my own spit. That's a serious thing." I was talking to myself. Doesn't mean I'm crazy just more normal than anyone else.
"What?" Justin asked coming down the stairs. He was dressed for bed and was most likely asleep.
"Oooo look at my sexy papi!" I said hugging his waist after I tripped and almost broke my neck.
"Are you drunk?" He laughed.
Before I could even answer I had the urge to throw up. I ran down the hallway and made it right in time before my stomach emptied all of the contents it had been filled with from the day.

"Ok maybe I am drunk."


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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