I Miss You...

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This is a short chapter please read my note at the end of the chapter! Justin's room in the picture above!

Aryanna's POV

"Justin... I need help." Was all she could say. I shook my head "No" and began to escort her down the stairs. "Justin I'm addicted to meth!" She yelled stopping me in my tracks. "I need you and Jada right now more than anything. Please help me." She said. I shook my head she couldn't even remember Jaden's name and on top of that she was an addict. I don't have time for that shit. "That gives me even more of a reason to leave you." I shoved her out the door but not before taking her key and slamming the door in her face. "DAMMIT" I yelled punching the wall next to the door. My hand was numb and I couldn't feel the pain going through it and even the blood dripping down my hand. "Justin..." A voice said. "What" I said with my back facing them. "Justin look at me." I didn't move. I was frozen. I knew who the person but I was ashamed that let this happen. Maybe her turning to drugs was my fault. "Please." They said tugging at my shirt. I turned around and broke down into that person's arms. "I'm so sorry." Aryanna said rubbing my back as I cried into her arms. "I miss you so much Ary." I told her holding her tight. She didn't say anything back but it's not like I expected her to but still. "Ary." I said looking into her eyes. Next thing I knew my lips were on hers as our tongues began to fight for dominance. I picked her up and led her to my room. I was gonna make it up to her and show her just how much I missed her. After stripping her and myself down out of our clothing and rolling on a condom.

I began to do just that.... show her how much I missed her.


And...... SCENE!!!!!!
**** I'm looking for someone to write rated r scenes in upcoming chapters. Please let me know if you can.***

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