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3 weeks later...


It was now the beginning of November and while nothing has a changed, I'm feeling peace in knowing that I'm standing my ground. No one likes an ultimatum no matter who sets it but sometimes a threat is all it takes to make someone realize that they need to get their shit together. Justin is still barely talking to me and I don't care. At first it broke my heart that he was ignoring me but now it's just pathetic. The fact that he knows that I'm right and he's choosing to be stubborn is sad but that's ok because I'm serious come December 31, 2017 I will not go into January 1, 2018 without a ring point blank period because if it's left up to me we would probably get married when Jaden turns 10. Who is about to wait 5 years, not I says the cow.
"Jaden get your backpack." I said as I finished wiping down the counters from breakfast. I was a few weeks from being down with my classes. I was taking 8 classes this semester and took some half semester classes which meant I would be graduating with my degree in January. I'm beyond excited to get back to working world and make my own money instead of living off Justin. After wiping down the counters I heard Jaden coming down the stairs giggling following the sound of her father's voice. I leaned against the counter finishing up my coffee while scrolling on my phone.
"Mommy I'm ready!"
I nodded my head and gulped down the rest of the caffeine and rinsed the cup out.
"Baby girl get your jacket and hat it's cold out." Justin said as he closed the front door from getting the mail.
I helped Jaden into her jacket and hat then fixed myself up as well.
"Let's go for school, tell your daddy goodbye."
She ran to him and wrapped her hands around his leg only to be lifted in the air and kissed on the check.
"I'll see you after school baby."
She said goodbye and ran out the front door to the car that was warming up while I grabbed my purse. Justin and I made eye contact and he nodded his head as if to say goodbye before heading in the kitchen.
"Lord give me the strength."



"So what you going to do about my sis? It's damn near time to get it together." Mack asked.
I struggled my shoulders and stuffed my face with some wings. The guys and I had met up for lunch. I should've known that they would bring it up but truth is I don't know what I'm going to do.
They all sighed annoyed.
"Alright your dumb ass is going to be back in the same position that you were in back in high school." Sean said throwing a napkin at me.
"Son it's time to be a man! What you scared of?" Shaq pressed and that struck a nerve.
"I'm not scared."
"Shitting me. You're shaking like a stripper about marrying her." Trey said causing everyone to laugh except me.
"Did you really think she would stick around to be a girl friend when she's been that before." Sean said.
"Just get it together before it's too late." Trey said with a serious look.
After lunch I stopped by my pops house to get a fresh cut and to catch up with the family before I went home to an empty house.
"Well this is how it's going to be if I don't make a decision, I'll be in a big ass empty house." I shook my head and went upstairs to take a shower to clear my mind.



After dropping Jaden off to school I went to my only class for the day since the other two for today were cancelled then I decided to meet up with my realtor. I wasn't looking for a house if me and Justin broke up because I never sold my old one. Instead I was looking into gyms to invest in. Both Aiden and Alijah told me to pick the building and they would buy it and get everything I needed. I'm blessed to have such amazing big brothers that invest in my dreams.
"What about the big warehouse building on 1st and main downtown?" My relator Jackson said.
"I never thought of fixing up a warehouse and using it. How does it look?"
"Well I don't have pictures but we can meet up tomorrow and look into it and some other places in the area." I nodded my head making a mental note to invite my brothers to see it also. After saying our goodbyes I went to pick Jaden up from school and dropped her off at ballet rehearsal.
"It's almost recital time!!!!" I heard a mom yell which caused me to roll my eyes. I was trying to peacefully study the lecture that was taught today while she's around here yelling.
A hour later I was wrapping my baby up to shield her from the night air and we started our journey home.

Walking into the house we were met with the scent of food cooking. I hung our things up while Jaden went straight upstairs to change into play clothes. It was going on 6 o'clock so we allowed her to have a little playtime before dinner and bed. I slipped my heels off by the door and went into the kitchen.
"Any mail for me?" I asked making my presence known.
Justin looked over his shoulder at the counter and nodded in the direction it was in. I rolled my eyes and sat at the island and opened my mail. Most of it was junk mail and about my graduation that was coming up but the last one that I opened was a bill from a rehab institution for $25,000 I started choking which caused Justin to come around and pat me on the back.
"What the hell?" I asked myself reading the letter. I haven't been to no damn rehab so what the hell was going on? I sat the papers on the counter and got up to get some water. Justin picked it up and read it out loud to himself.

Dear Ms. Johnson,
We are happy that you chose to stay with us during your healing process from addiction. It has been a joy to have you in our program. Although we are sad to see you go, we are happy to know that you are now a better person because of us. Don't be afraid to stop by and visit us. Attached is a copy of the bill, please call if you have questions.
Cassandra Day
Rehab Institute for The Healing Heart

Justin put the papers down and looked at me and sighed.
"I'll handle it, don't worry about it" he said and I nodded before going to lay on the couch and letting sleep take over.


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