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This is a short chapter.


"Justin she's ready."
Tonight we were taking Jaden trick or treating then taking her to my moms house for her surprise Halloween party with some of her friends.
"Jaden come on. Let daddy see you." Justin said sitting down on the couch.
She came running down the stairs in her Princess Tiana costume with her curly hair everywhere.
"You look beautiful." He told her.
"Go stand by daddy so I can take a picture."
I took a picture of her standing between Justin's legs since he was sitting on the couch with his arms wrapped around her. I sent it to Justin so he would have it the posted it on Instagram with the caption
"All ready for trick-or-treating with her prince."
"Ok let's go." I handed Jaden her little matching green bucket for her candy and she grabbed her daddy's hand.

We walked around our neighborhood stopping at different houses on the street and the next couple of streets over. Before deciding it was time to take her to her party, we stopped at a few houses on my mama's street.
"My feet hurt." Jaden complained stomping her legs as she walked. "There gonna keep hurting if you do that." I picked her up and sat her on my hip as we walked down the street. Justin was driving the car beside us at the same pace we were walking.
"Maw Maw house!!!"
She jumped down from my arms and ran up the long driveway to John and waved her arms as they stood outside letting people in and giving out candy. Justin parked along the street and got out grabbing my hand as we walked into the house. The house was decorated great! We would definitely be contributing to some sugar rushes that would hopefully kick in when each child was at their own house.
"Mrs. Nina the place looks great! Thank you!"
"You're welcome son. Thank you for letting my hard headed daughter be apart of your child's life."
"You're so welcome. Jaden loves her and so do I." Justin kissed my forehead and I got those all too familiar butterflies in my stomach. I looked away from them to hide my blushing face and decided to go talk to my sister Autumn who was dressed as a witch.
"What's up witch?"
"Your ugly brothers over there already said that so you're too late."
I stomped my foot to act like I was upset.
"Am I too late for the wicked witch part too?"
She nodded.
"What's up witch?" Justin asked coming up behind me. We all looked at him shaking our head.
"Too late?" He asked.
We all nodded and he sighed in defeat.
"Anyways I was coming over here to say hey before we left."
"Where yall going?" Alijah asked eating some candy.
"My pops has a Halloween party every year and we going."
They all nodded after we said our goodbyes we left to hurry home to change.


"Hey baby will you help me stuck my tail on my costume?"
He sighed. "I need help with my costume too."
He wouldn't tell me what he was dressing up as because he wanted it to be a surprise. All I knew was that he was matching his dad so that could be anything.
"Ok well come out so I can help you."
"Don't. Laugh."
I slightly chuckled under my breath because telling me not to laugh is only going to make me laugh more.
"Ok I won't."
He slowly came out of the bathroom and I instantly bursted out laughing.
"Prince baby?" I asked through my laughter.
"Its not funny."
I couldn't stop laughing or the tears falling from my eyes.
After taking a few seconds to gather my self back together I stopped laughing.
"You done?"
I nodded blotting the tears away to not ruin my face paint.
"Help me." He handed me the CoverGirl eyeliner stick and I lost it a second time making him laugh in the process.


"Look up."
I looked up but couldn't stop blinking.
"Stop blinking babe."
"Son you got a fucking stick drawing on my eye how am I suppose to not blink."
She shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh iight. Don't poke my eye out man.
"Maybe if you stop moving and shut the fuck up I can concentrate."
I closed my mouth and let her do whatever she was doing. It felt like hours before she officially finished and I looked in the mirror.
"You look great babe."
She wrapped her arms around my stomach as we both looked in the mirror.
"Ok come put my tail on please." She said throwing the tail at me. I attached it to her costume and watched her put her heels on.
Then we left for the party.


Of course I was at the party
1. Because I needed to watch Aryanna and 2. Because Diddy throws the best parties so it was no way in hell I was missing this. I dressed as the grim reaper to keep any suspicion down plus I had to pose as another celebrity to just get through the doors. Tonight would be the perfect night to make myself known but first I think I'll have a little fun messing with little Mrs. Perfects head.....

"Happy Halloween Aryanna. Get ready for the games to begin."


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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