My Boyfriend...

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Aryanna's Kitchen in the picture above.

Justin's POV

I had just picked Jaden up from preschool and was on the way to see my other baby. Aryanna's been back in school for 3 days now and she was already having a test. She was stressed and as a man you never want your girl anything but happy. I was stopping by McDonalds to get us all food while listening to Jaden talk about her day. "And then Andrew and I colored." She said looking out the window. "Who's Andrew honey?" I asked switching lanes on the highway. "My boyfran." She said kicking her feet to the beat of Chris Brown's Ayo song. I gripped the steering wheel and sucked my teeth. "Boyfriend? Since when?" I asked looking at her now bobbing her head. "I gave him my cookies." She said looking out the window. I swerved a little and had to cough to cover it up. "Cookies what cookies?" I was about to pull this damn car over and get to the bottom of this shit. "My snack daddy!" She exclaimed. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I knew she didn't know about sex but with her mom being Joann there is no telling what she told her when I wasn't around. "This my song!!!" She said bouncing in her seat to Trap Queen. I wasn't happy about this little boyfriend thing but it was harmless I guess I could let it slide. I looked at her through my rearview mirror as she swayed side to side dancing. Shaking my head I pulled into the drive through ordering.

"Mommy!!!!" Jaden ran into the kitchen in search of Aryanna. "Hey baby girl! You look beautiful. How was school?" She said book marking her page then closing it giving Jaden her full attention. I kissed her on the top of her then went to place the food on plates for us to eat. "Good! I have a boyfran!" Jaden beamed. Aryanna looked up at me giving me a questionable look. I shrugged my shoulders. "Boyfriend? What's his name?" Aryanna asked fixing her crooked skirt. "Andrew I shared my cookies with him." Ary's head shot up in my direction I guess thinking the same I thought. "Her snack." I said sitting everyone's plates down on the table. She nodded her head. "Ok. That's sweet. Jaden will you say grace?" Aryanna said grabbing our hands as we began to pray. "God our father we thank you. For our many blessing aww man." Jaden sang then dipped her nugget in her ketchup and shoving it in her mouth. We chuckled a little then began to eat.

"Daddy lets go outside now." Jaden said pulling on my hand. "Ok let me clean up first." I let her hand go and began to pick up the plates off the table. Jaden began to whine and throw a tantrum. "Justin I'll get it." Aryanna took the plates from my hands. I looked at her one last time before scooping Jaden up and throwing her over my shoulder then going into the backyard. Aryanna's backyard was huge. She has a nice patio, pool, and playground set. I raced Jaden to the swing set.

Aryanna's POV

I was absolutely stressed right now with this test tomorrow. I've only been enrolled for three days and were already having a test over 60 vocab words. I wasn't ready at all but flunking isn't an option. I picked up the plates off the kitchen table and put them into the dishwasher and throwing away the trash in the garbage can. I grabbed the dishrag and wiped down the table throwing it into the sink. I then took my spot again at the kitchen table studying. From where I was sitting I was able to see Justin chasing Jaden around in the backyard. I smiled them focused my attention back on my studies. A few minutes later the back door swung open to reveal a crying Jaden in her dad's arms. I could just tell from the look on his face that it was serious.
"Whats wrong?" I asked standing up.

"I think she just broke her ankle."


And.... SCENE!!!!!
Uh oh...
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