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"This project will be half your final grade." My professor said.
I was down to the end of my third semester. All I had to complete was one more and I would be done and would officially have my business degree. So much has happened since I met Justin. From being kidnapped multiple times, Jaden, being cheated on and lied to, most girls would walk away but I couldn't. Something always pulled me back to him as if my heart longed for him, as if he is my Prince Charming, as if he is the one that God has sent to me just for me. But even through all of the craziness I'm thankful because in the end I have the man of my dreams, the one that makes my soul happy and his beautiful daughter who brings so much excitement into my life. I'm blessed, beyond blessed. Hearing the bell ring signaling that class was over, I grabbed all my things to leave. I was meeting up with my girls at the local Starbucks to talk, after all it's been a week since I've seen any of them so a good catching up was required.
"Hey girls! Sorry I'm late." I apologized pulling up my seat next to Kacie. We all said our hello's and immediately dived into conversation.
"Trey thinks that I don't want to marry him." Jabrea sighed.
"Well do you?" Nevada chimed in.
"I mean yeah, I guess, it's just weird. I love him, like I really love him but I don't know if I love him enough to get married to him." She said.
"Well Ka and Nev are the married ones here so maybe they can give you some advice." I said being petty. We all laughed before continuing.
"I knew Shaq was the one way back in high school so when he proposed there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with him. It's just this feeling you get when you come home and look at your man and you're like damn look at my sexy ass husband right there." Nev said causing us to laugh.
"Yeah Nevada is right. You just know in your heart that he's the one. You don't have doubts, they all seem to disappear, and all you can think about is how many days you have until you can be called his wife." Kacie said slurping on her drink.
I nodded agreeing to what they said because I feel that way about Justin because if he walked in this Starbucks right now and asked me to marry him... Hell yeah I'm saying yes!
"I guess but I'm afraid. What if he marries me and then decides he wants someone else."
"Then we run him over with a car." I stated laughing.
"We can't run him over to bad cause then we gotta bury him alive." Kacie said making us all agree.
"But no like for real Brea what does your heart say?" I asked.
"To marry him."
"Then do it!" Nevada yelled being all extra.
"But I gotta wait for him to ask again." Brea whined.
"Who said anything about him asking?" I asked smiling at her.


"He goes left and he scores!!!!!" I yelled narrating the 2k16 game against Mack and Trey.
"Yo son shut up!" Shaq yelled still salty that he lost against me.
"I didn't know we were at the beach." Trey said.
We all looked at him confused like always when he says anything.
"It's mad salty in here son." We all busted out laughing.
"You get it like the salt water at the beach or like a bag of peanuts." Trey started explaining but was interrupted by Sean.
"It was more funny before you started explaining." They stared at each other for a second before a wrestling match between the two broke out.
"Tap out!!" Sean yelled at Trey.
"Your mom must do that a lot." He said.
Sean flipped him on his stomach and grabbed his leg making Trey squeal.
"Ok. Ok. Ok. T- Ta- Tap out! I tap out!" He screamed. Sean let him go and walked away like nothing happened. I shook my head at the two laughing.
"We taking the kids and them to Cabo. Ya'll wanna go?" I asked the guys.
"I'm down." Shaq said and they all agreed.


"I'm home!!!!" I yelled as soon as I walked through the front door.
"Daddy!!!!" A little voice screamed from somewhere upstairs. Seconds later the patter of little feet filled the house as tiny arms wrapped around my legs.
"Hey baby." I brushed her curls out of her face and kissed her forehead.
"Where's mommy?"
"Upstairs cleaning." A few seconds later Aryanna appeared with a mad look on her face.
"Jaden Marie Combs! You need to come clean this closet out right now." She yelled.
Jaden quietly walked up the steps and into her room.
"That child thinks cleaning up is throwing everything in a closet. No ma'am you need to clean that out to." Aryanna was actually talking to herself as she stumped down the stairs into the living room. I chuckled then went and sat beside her on the couch.
"How was class?" I asked forcing myself across her lap.
"Good and get off me."
"Why you like a bag of peanuts?" I asked trying not to smile.
"Wait what?" She asked making is both laugh.
"Trey said it earlier." I explained shaking my head.
"That boy." She said as if lost for words.
"The Cabo trip is next week so get ready." I said pushing my face against her stomach as she played in my hair.
"I'm always ready if that means I get to be with you." She leaned down and kissed my forehead.

Life is good......


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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