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A lot is happening this chapter so get ready!
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Ok enjoy!


Shit is going good man I woke up this morning and rolled over to my sexy ass girl friend in my bed. Life is going the way that it should've been years ago. I had early morning practice then I was going to hang out with the guys. Shaq and Nevada was back in town so I was gonna kick it with my bro before he went back to the A.

"Baby. Wake up I'm leaving." I lightly nudged Aryanna. She groaned rolling over looking at me. Instead of replying she poked her lips out for a kiss which I gladly gave then went to to kiss Jaden as well before leaving the house.


"Hello!" I yelled into the phone in anger that someone was messing up my sleep.
"Hold on bitch who you yelling at?" Brea said.
"What do you want."
"Get up. Get dressed. I'm coming to get you and Jaden."
I hung up the phone without replying. I was beyond tired so my attitude was on a whole different level. I slowly climbed out of the bed and went to shower and dress in a long sleeve black shirt with a red and black plaid shirt with my high waisted jeans and black boots. I tied a scarf around my head and quickly did my makeup.
"Jaden baby get up and get dressed." She quietly got up and followed me into her bathroom to help her get dressed.

"Jaden come here!" I yelled. We met up up with Kacie and Nevada and her daughter Summer, and her and Jaden were running around this damn mall.
She looked in my direction and rolled her eyes. I had to catch myself before I drug her little ass across this mall. She was like my child but legally she wasn't so technically I couldn't lay my hands on her.
"Jaden did you hear me? Come here."
"Do you want me to call your dad?"
"Then come here."
She came over and I grabbed her hand as we walked through the mall stopping in different stores shopping.
After shopping we decided to do a late lunch then drop the girls off at my moms house and go be with our guys.
"Why don't yall just move back?" I asked Nevada and Shaq as we all sat around the fireplace at Mack and Kacie's house.
"Right yall always here anyways." Trey agreed.
"Man you know we would because we miss yall but if I really want to start my own label Atlanta is where to be." Shaq said.
"I guess we're all just saying that we miss yall a lot." Kacie said hugging Nevada.
"You already know we miss you guys too." Nevada returned her hug.
"I love yall but this shit is too sentimental. So let's play twister." Mack pulled the game out of a closet in the hallway.
"Hell yeah!!! This is my game." I jumped up all hype.
"I don't get why you always want to play and end up smushed." Sean said throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"Right I call you lil bit for a reason." Trey teased.
"Shut up." I threw a marshmallow at him that he caught with his mouth.
"Fat ass." Brea mumbled and we all laughed.
"We gonna play... or nah?"
"Kacie that shit was lame, don't say that again."
"Leave my baby alone." I teased jumping into Kacie's arms kissing her cheek.
"Yeah Justin. Leave me alone."
He threw his hands up in defense going to grab some more pizza.
I bounced around all hype while they sat the game up, I couldn't wait to play.
"Who wants to spin?" Mack asked.
No one offered.
"It's only one way to solve it... 1... 2... 3.." Shaq started.
"Not it!" We all screamed out.
"Sean spin." He was the last one to say it so he had to do it. Mack gave him the spinner and we all got ready.
"Right foot blue."
"Left hand yellow."
"Left foot green."
"Right hand red."
"Left foot red."
"Move Trey I have to go under you."
"Go then."
I stretched my little body as far as I could and placed my foot on the red. I was determined to win so I could rube it in their faces.
10 mins later and it was just Trey and I.
"Right hand yellow." We both groaned I went around him and he went over me.
"Left foot blue."
We groaned again.
"Can you reach it?" He asked.
"No can you?"
"No. Give up?" I nodded. We both agreed to fall together so of course I fall but his old slick rick, young thug feet looking ass stuck his big ass dinosaur foot over there on the blue spot and won.
"Nigga!!!" I yelled.
He smiled and did his victory dance while I flicked him off.


"Tonight was fun."
"Yeah it was." Justin agreed.
We were back at home and in the bed cuddling. Jaden was in her room asleep and we were both too tired to do anything else.
"I love you." I told him snuggling into his chest.
"I love you too" he faintly said. And within minutes we were both asleep.

Later that night I could hear things downstairs moving around. I rolled over in bed and felt Justin still asleep and I knew for a fact it wasn't Jaden so I immediately sat up in bed shaking Justin to wake up.
"Baby I hear something downstairs." I frantically whispered.
"Maybe it's just Jaden go back to sleep." He mumbled wrapping a arm around me.
I agreed and started to fall back asleep when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I knew for a fact then that it wasn't Jaden because they were too heavy sounding and not only that but it was more the one set of footsteps. I panicked and pushed Justin until he woke up.
"Justin someone is in the house." He looked into my eyes and saw the fear in them and rolled over reaching in the nightstand and pulling out his gun quietly.
"I'm going to look. You go get Jaden."
I nodded and jumped out the bed grabbing my robe and tying it around me.
I walked down the hallway into Jaden's room grabbing her out of bed.
I shushed her holding her tight and just that fast I felt someone pull my hair and slap something over my face. Jaden was pulled from my arms and someone grabbed a cloth and pushed it over her face. I tried kicking and screaming but it was no use I slowly felt myself drifting away until darkness took over.


I looked around downstairs and didn't nothing seem out of the ordinary until I noticed the back door slightly cracked.
I ran back up the stairs looking in the master bedroom not finding Aryanna or Jaden. I then looked in Jaden's room and they weren't there. I looked in all the upstairs rooms until I heard running down the stars and a door slamming shut along with tires screeching off.
I ran down the stairs and out the door chasing the car down the street but I couldn't keep up.
"DAMMIT!!!!" I yelled out punching at the air. I ran back to the house and laying in the drive way was a white envelope with pink lipstick on it. I slowly opened it and began reading it.

Hello Mr. Combs....

If you're reading this I know you're probably upset. But guess what? It'll be ok. Your daughter will be safe but as for the girl.... Let's just say you should start to forget her now. I'm fixing everything back the way it should be. You can thank me later.

I balled up the paper and ran into the house grabbing my phone calling Aiden and Alijah. They answered after the third ring.
"What's up bro. What you need?" Aiden answered.
"Aryanna! Jaden!" Was the only thing I could get out.
"What about them?" Alijah asked.

"They're gone."


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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-MVP OUT💜✌🏾️

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