Enjoy The Now....

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"Nu uh put that bacon back. Didn't I say I'm not making all that food!" Jabrea yelled at Trey while she stood in the kitchen.

"Well then what you gonna
make?" I asked. It was morning time and we were all hungry.

"Whatever my baby mama want. What you want Kacie." She said.

"Maybe some oatmeal and fruit." Kacie suggested.

"See how simple that is. I'm not about to cook a full breakfast. I'm pretty sure it's a Denny's or an IHOP here. Y'all can go find it."
"Yes ma'am Mama J." Mack teased before she threw a wooden spoon at his head missing him by inches.

"Let's just go eat breakfast somewhere." Ary suggested. She was wrapped in my arms as we sat on the couch.

"Shit.... well then let's get ready." Brea said speed walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs.


"You're so beautiful." I said kissing Ary's shoulder from behind as we stood in the shower together.

"Well thank you handsome." She beamed then stood on her tip toes to kiss me.

"We got time for a quickie." I said pulling her close then palming her ass.

"Mhm you think so?" She asked wrapping her arms around my neck as I picked her up leaning her against the wall.

"Mhm." I groaned as she began to play in my hair as I kissed her but the moment was soon interrupted.

"DADDY!!!!!!! Where's mommy!!" Jaden yelled banging on the door.

"She went out for a minute. What's wrong?" I sighed then turned my attention back to Aryanna and taking the advantage to kiss on her neck. I could hear Jaden talking but I couldn't make out what she was saying until I felt a slap on the back of my head.

"Ughhh!!" I groaned annoyed. And got out wrapping a towel around my waist and also throwing a robe on.

"Yes ma'am? What do you need?" I asked her as I came out of the bathroom.

"Can I wear my pink bathing suit under my dress?" She smiled.

"Yeah. We're going to the beach after." I sighed. She ruined our moment over a bathing suit. I could whoop her.

"Ok thank you daddy." She hugged my legs and ran out the room closing the door.

Seconds later Aryanna came out smirking at my annoyed face.
"You'll be ok. There is always later." She said smacking my butt and walking away to get dressed.

A few minutes later she walked out wearing a pair of khaki shorts with a grey off the shoulder shirt covering her neon pink bathing suit with a pair of sandals.
I glanced her way and smiled as I pulled my shirt over my head and onto my body. She returned my smile then grabbed her phone leaving the room.


As I sat with my toes in the sand and my drink in my hand I could finally relax. We had just gotten to the beach not too long ago and we were already having a blast. I was sitting on one of the lodging chairs underneath the big umbrella with my headphones in listening to Bruno Mars new album and it was low key one of the best albums I ever heard.
Looking forward I could see the kids running around with the guys chasing behind them.

"This drink is so good." Nevada said propping herself up as she laid on her stomach.

"Let me taste." Brea said retrieving the cup and taking a sip. Seconds later she hopped up to go and buy her and myself one.

"Sorry K. If you wasn't pregnant with a jelly bean-" She cut her off.

"It's ok. I didn't really want it anyways." She said eyeing the glass in my hand causing us all to laugh.

"Mommy! Uncle Trey threw me in the water on my head!" Jaden exclaimed running up to holding it. I immediately let my mother instincts take over by checking her head for any signs of injuries then rubbing her head before asking her how she felt.

"Sit down for a minute." I said placing her in my seat then going over to wear the guys was playing football.

"Trey don't be hurting my kid." I said once I approached him.
"I didn't hurt anybody." He defended.

"Yeah? Well Jaden said you threw her in the water on her head. She could've broke her neck. She's not a boy, don't be so rough with her." I scolded making him nod and apologize.
Rolling my eyes I began to walk away until I felt myself being lifted into the air and thrown into the water. The moment I came up I took off chasing behind Trey across the beach. You would think from high school he would've learned to not try to out run me. I eventually caught him by sticking my foot out and causing him to fall face first in the sand. I started hitting him and we ended up fighting like always. When it came to this guy you really couldn't tell that he wasn't blood to me just because of how we acted to each other.

"Alright that's enough." Justin said coming behind me and swooping me into his arms.

"Get your ass whopped again
Trey." I teased as he dusted himself off.


"Where we going?" I asked as Justin held my hand walking down the beach.

"No where. Just wanted to enjoy some piece and quiet with my baby." Instantly my cheeks turned a red color and I smiled.

After a few seconds of quietness I spoke.
"Do you want more kids?"
He paused as if he was thinking but I knew he was just confused to where this question was coming from so before he could ask I answered.

"It's just Kacie being pregnant makes me want one. Plus I think Jaden should have another sibling."

"Yeah I want more but just not right now." He said and it honestly made me feel some type of way. He noticed my change in mood and stopped walking, placing his hands around my waist and pulling my close.

"You're everything that I've ever wanted and I couldn't imagine my future without you. Let's just enjoy the now and see where life takes us."


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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-MVP OUT💜✌🏾️

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