What Just Happened....

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"Amaya!?" Justin asked shocked that she was standing at the door.
"Hello to you too Justin." She said smirking.
"W-W-What are you doing here?" He stuttered.
"Hey daddy." Jaden said poking her head out from around Amaya.
"What?" He asked with confusion all over his face.
"Thank you Amaya." I said from standing behind Justin making him jump at the sound of my voice.
"You look confused Justin." Amaya chuckled.
The fact that this nigga thought he was gonna play me makes me laugh. Turns out while I was taking Jaden to school earlier today I noticed an Amaya worked there as a teacher's aid. After talking with her for a few minutes I realized she was the girl. She of course kept apologizing because she didn't know Justin was in a relationship, so to get back at him we made a plan. Since Amaya has a daughter that Jaden just loves to play with at school we decided for them to have a play date and she bring her home. Now that our plan has worked I get to watch Justin squirm for the text ten minutes.
"Thank you Amaya for bringing her home." I said.
"Oh you're welcome. I'll call you later." She said leaving out the front door leaving Justin and I.
I looked at him and folded my arms across my chest waiting for him to say some dumb shit so I could slap that fire out of him.
"I'm sorry..." He said looking down.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
He shook his head and sighed.
"Next time you try to step out on me....." I paused as if I was thinking.
"I'll kill you." I promised to him.
"Now cut these lights out, I'm going to bed." I said leaving him standing there looking like the dummy that he is.
"Punk ass." I mumbled going up the stairs.
If he was trying to be a player then shit I must be the coach because I know the game better than him.


What the fuck just happened.....
I turned all the lights off and went upstairs to get in the bed but stopped when I saw pillows and blankets laying on the floor outside the door.
"Baby." I knocked on the door since it was locked.
"Fuck off." She yelled.
Grabbing the pillows I sighed going into the guest room and eventually falling asleep.


"Nigga she hoed your life!" Sean busted out laughing along with everyone else. We all decided to hit up a gym to work out a little and I had just finished telling them about Amaya & Aryanna.
"Man whatever. Shit was crazy." I mumbled.
"Did she talk to you after?" Mack asked.
"Fuck no! You know that!" Trey answered for me making them all laugh again.
"Why do you guys get such a laugh out of my life?" I asked irritated that they thought it was funny.
"Because like we told you yesterday. You always mess stuff up for yourself." Shaq said.
"You just better get your shit together for this trip were taking." Mack said.
"What trip?"
"The trip to Bora Bora. The one you wanted me to plan...." He said.
"Ohhhh yeah. It'll be over by then." I said or at least I hoped.


Walking into the house I followed the sound of movement into the kitchen.
"Hey." I said.
She narrowed her eyes at me and continued to sip out the glass of wine that was in her hand.
"I'm sorry baby." I said making her laugh.
"Are you sorry that you hurt me or are you sorry that I caught you." She asked me.
"Of course I'm sorry that I hurt you."
"Did you call her?" She whispered.
"Why did you keep her number?"
"I don't know. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. I don't want to lose you over some petty argument." I said grabbing her hand.
"So it's petty now?" She asked.
"That's not what I meant. I had no intentions of calling her." I said forcing her to look at me.
"Then why did you take her number without intentions of calling her and especially someone that I see everyday and that works with our daughter!" She yelled making me roll my eyes. She was really irritating the fuck out of me. Like damn I said I was sorry, fucking get over it!
"I said I was sorry damn!"
"I'm just saying! Why would you try to talk to someone that I see everyday!" She yelled.
Before I realized what I said shit had hit the fan.
"I'm sorry that SHE gave me HER number! I told you that I wasn't gonna call her but I don't see why we have to make such a huge ass deal about it! Damn! Just because I had her number isn't the fucking end of the world! And don't you start that shit about her being someone you see everyday! When no one said shit about the fact that you dated both Mack and Sean and I see them everyday!!" I yelled but immediately regretted it. I knew for a fact that she was about to kill me.
She had gotten so calm.... usually calm.
She looked at her wine glass, took a sip out of it and threw the rest on me before walking out the kitchen.

What the fuck just happened.....


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
Justin why would you say that!
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