Team Dinner...

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I sat back in my chair counting my money when Big Lou and Aiden walked in. I just knew it was gonna be some shit I didn't want to hear just from looking at their faces.
"We can't find Kean." Big said.
I chuckled "Why not?"
"Look bro. He fell off the grid we can't find him anywhere. We think he hiding out with some family but we can't even find out who they are."
I pinched the bridge of my nose to calm down. "Keep looking and while yall at it call that hoe Krystal she anit checked in lately and I don't do that snake shit."
"We gotcha boss." Big said and him Aiden left to do what I asked.
Shit seem really snake like and Ima protect me and mines.


I should've never accepted I feel like a snake playing the fence. I know it was wrong but the money was good. I guess money really is the root to all evil...


"Justin no. I am not wearing that."
"Baby please!" He was trying to convince me to wear some ugly grey dress to the team dinner tonight.
"Nope. I'm not wearing that." I rolled my eyes and flipped through the magazine I was looking in.
"We can be on our Kim and Kanye shit."
"Nigga I'm not Kim and you're not Kanye so no." He had me fucked up if he thought I was going to wear that dress. His dad's stylist decided to pick out the dress to match Justin's grey suit which is fine but the dress had peacock feathers at the bottom of it in different colors.
"Why don't you like the dress?"
"It's ugly. It looks like something from a zoo. I'm not wearing that." He sighed in frustration after realizing that I wasn't changing my mind and put the dress back in the closet.
"Well what are you going to wear?" He plopped down on the bed next to me on his phone.
He smacked his lips and shoved me lightly.
"But no for real I'm not sure. I'll figure it out when I get back from Walmart."
"Walmart? Why you going to Walmart."
"Because you need groceries." I got up and slipped my ugg boots and jacket on grabbing Justin's keys to his range and leaving. The store wasn't that far away so I was there in record timing and thankfully found a parking spot close to the door. I hopped out and grabbed my purse walking inside. Have you ever just felt like you were being watched but with so many people around you can't tell who that person is? Well that's exactly how I felt. I pushed the cart down the bread aisle and looked around for the bread that I needed. I was so uncomfortable and was hurrying to get out of there. I kept looking around but couldn't shake the feeling of someone staring and following me. I hurried to get the rest of the things before checking out and rushing to the car. After dumping everything in the car and running the cart back to the store I hurried and got inside the car looking around to see if anyone suspicious was around but of course I didn't see anyone. I sighed and laid my head against the steering wheel praying for my safety and my family's safety. Because I was a little paranoid I decided to take the long way back to Justin's house making it there 30 mins later. I pulled into the driveway and thanked God for protecting me and helping me get back home safely. Instead of getting out of the car I called Justin to come downstairs. Call me what you want but shit.... I'm scared.
"You ok baby?" He asked helping me out of the car.
"Yeah I'm fine."
He looked at me knowing that I was lying but decided to drop it and take the groceries inside instead. After putting everything up I went upstairs to shower and get dressed in a long red dress with black and white heels. Because my hair was in braids I pulled them into a low ponytail and lightly did my makeup. I decided to keep everything natural because I wanted my dress to be the focal point and partly because I wasn't in the mood. I couldn't shake that feeling because that's the same feeling I had when Joann crazy ass kidnaped me and I'll be damned if I let that shit happen again. Justin knew something was wrong because he kept telling me how beautiful I was and how much he loved me and how lucky he was to have me. I wanted to tell him what happened but I didn't want to ruin his night so I decided to just tell him later.
"You ready beautiful?"
I nodded and he grabbed my hand and locked up the house.


Dinner was amazing! We sat with Sean and his date along with some of Justin's teammates. Occasionally I would get the feeling of being watched again but I ignored it because I didn't want to ruin the night. Just before the dinner ended the head coach decided to make a toast.
"A lot of coaches say this but I'm probably the first to actually mean it. Its been a joy coaching you men and watching you grow in your talents and watching you take care of each other as a family. After Vick caused such a controversy I honestly thought this team would never be the same but you guys came in and turned it around. This team is a team unlike any other, you fight hard and play even harder. You guys care for each other and protect each other. This team will go to the super bowl! I promise I'm going to get you there but you guys gotta believe in it. I want to make a toast to family." Coach Bates raised his glass.
"To family." We all repeated and just hung out with each other for the rest of the night until Justin and I decided it was time to go. We said our goodbyes and walked hand in hand out to the car. Instead of Justin starting the car he just sat there and looked at me. I grew uncomfortable under his stare and looked out the window.
"So you going to tell me what's wrong?"
"It's nothing. It's not important." I played with my class ring on my finger looking down.
"It is important because it's been bothering you all night. Now what's wrong because we're not leaving until you tell me."
I sighed and told him everything that happened at Walmart and he clinched his jaw. "I swear on my life son if it's Joann Ima kill her." He roared with anger all in his voice. His face had turned red, the veins in his neck and face were popping out, and his knuckles were white from him squeezing them too tight. As long as I have known Justin I have never seen him this mad and at that moment I hope that I was just over exaggerating and it wasn't anyone.
I placed my shaking hand on his and he slowly calmed down.
"Can we just go home?"
He nodded and started up the car to take us home.


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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What do you think is going on?
Do you think Justin would actually kill Joann?
Do you think Aryanna is being over dramatic?
Love you guys 💘
-MVP OUT💜✌🏾️

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