This Isn't Over...

552 19 6

Professor Bates in the picture


I haven't seen or spoken to Justin in a few days. I still see Jaden everyday I've just managed to not see him some how. I was pissed at him beyond any words could express about the whole zoo thing. The old Aryanna would've rode a tiger to his house to beat his ass but the new Aryanna still wanted to beat his ass just without the tiger. I had to call around to find someone to come and get me but of course they were all working except for Trey. Trey laughed and teased me about it the whole way home which if it was even possible made me even more mad. And as if the whole thing was bad enough now I'm sitting in class listening to Professor Bates go on and on and on about management skills. I was honesty just ready to go home, my brothers were in town and I was going to my mama's house to see them. "Mangment skills can determi-" Professor Bates was cut off by the bell. I grabbed my things and started to walk out of the door when he stopped me. "Mrs. Johnson! Please come back in." I stepped back into the room leaving space between us.
"I was wondering if you would like to go out for coffee and converse about today's lecture?" He stepped from around his desk.
"I don't think my boyfriend would like that."
"He doesn't have to know." He grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me into his body.
"GET off of me!" I told him sternly and pulled myself out of his hold. I stormed out of the room and out of the building running to my car.


"IM HOME!!!!!!" I yelled through the house as Zhanee came running down the stairs and jumping into my arms.
"I've missed you too bae!!!" She got down and we walked into the living room where the rest of the family was and as expected as soon as I walked to the living room somebody asked where Justin was. I was gonna lie like I knew but my face told a different story.
"What he do?" My brother Alijah asked already shaking his leg meaning he was getting mad. I sighed then began telling them everything from me forgetting Jaden, to the zoo thing. My brother Alijah is the hot head of the family, every little thing will set him off and have him ready to fight so it was no surprise that he was ready to go find Justin. "He playing with my little sister? Hell no!" He paced back and forth. "When I see that fuck nigga it's go on sight. Anit no I'm sorry bihh." He was slightly talking to himself as we all just there and watched him. Yall thought I was crazy... No he's worse than I could ever be.
"Ali sit your little tail down somewhere that has nothing to do with you." Mama said and he immediately sat down.

After dinner I went back to my house and called Justin on FaceTime. He answered with a sly smirk. "You can wipe that ugly ass smirk off your face because I didn't call to talk to you. Where is Jaden?" He rolled his eyes then got up giving her the phone.
"I miss you too baby! What are you doing?" She asked sticking her face up in the camera.
"Laying with daddy." She smiled "Well I just wanted to see what you were doing. I love you ok?"
"I love you too mommy."
She gave the phone back to Justin and I rolled my eyes.
"I see you made it back home." He smirked. That set me off.
"Shut the fuck up! You're a bum petty ass nigga who don't know how to let shit go. I'm done talking to you. Fuck you Justin!" I yelled hanging up the phone up. I showered and snacked on some grapes while watching Martin before I fell asleep.


Call me what you want but I think Aryanna deserved all that. I don't think I was being petty I call it getting even. Yeah I miss Aryanna but fuck it. I got Jaden up for school and cooked breakfast for us. After dropping her off I went to chill with Trey and Sean because we didn't have workouts today. "Aye son you foul for that shit you did to lil bit. I anit seen her that mad since high school." Trey said.
"Well shit I did what I felt like I needed to do." Sean shook his head along with Trey.
"You better be lucky Jabrea don't know because she would have already slid your ass." Trey said. I shrugged my shoulders I don't give a fuck.


Class just dismissed and I was walking out of class when I was stopped from going down the stairs that lead to the classroom door. "Mrs. Johnson. How are you?" Professor Bates asked keeping it professional as the last student left the room and closed the door. I stared at him and began to walk the opposite way. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his body.
"Why don't you want me?" He asked but I didn't answer.
"Answer me!" He semi yelled.
"I. Don't. Want. You."
He started kissing me on my neck as I struggled to get free. He stuck his hand up my shirt and pulled on my left nipple all while his hand was over my mouth. I kicked around and screamed as loud as I could but it came out muffled. He took his hand and tried to slide it down my pants when the door handle began to jiggle and he let me go. "Professor Bates I need that marketing paper back." Another teacher asked. "Oh yes I will grab it for you in a minute." He grabbed my hand roughly and held it tight so they couldn't see it.

"This isn't over Mrs. Johnson. It's just the beginning."


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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