Full Of Suprises...

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"I didn't mean it." I said pleading my case to pops.
"But you said it."
"I know.. But how do I fix it?"
"I'm not sure son. You just gotta figure it out." He said slighting pissing me off more. How was I suppose to fix it. I basically called her a slut! She's never going to forgive me.
After talking to my dad for a little while longer I hung up the phone and went to apologize. Just straight out apologizing couldn't hurt right?
Walking around the house in search of her I found her sitting at the counter in the dimly lit kitchen eating something out of a bowl. As soon as she noticed my presence she rolled her eyes and turned away from me.
"Look baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know what happened. I shouldn't have said it and I understand why you're mad but please don't hate me." I pleaded. I figured if I added the hating me part it would make her feel bad and eventually forgive me.
"I don't hate you. I just don't like you right now." She mumbled getting up from her seat to rinse her bowl out at the sink and start up the dish washer.
"I'm sorry." I said slowly walking up to her and placing my hand on her lower back.


"You should be. I'm not a hoe. If anyone is a hoe it's you but I don't point fingers." I stressed. My feelings were hurt. I knew he was right but he didn't have to throw it in my face.
"Look man I'm sorry." He grabbed my waist pressing himself into me.
"Mhm yeah."
"You forgive me?"
"Mhm yeah." I rolled my eyes then pulled away from him.
"Well can we make up now?" He smirked.
"My period is on." I lied walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs.


The next morning was hectic as always not to mention Justin was glued to my damn hip trying to make sure I actually forgave him. I'm over the situation honestly. Should I still be mad at him? Probably but I don't have time for that right now.
"Eat your food so we can go." I told Jaden pouring her a glass of orange juice.
I'm still trying to get my business degree so after that whole Professor Bates thing I just switched classes.
"I don't want pancakes! I want waffles!" She protested making me stop in my tracks at the way she was yelling.
"There aren't anymore. Mommy has to go to the store later. Please eat it so we can go."
"NO!" She yelled pushing the plate across the table and onto the floor. She definitely has her daddy's temper and I will be damned if I have to deal with it twice.
"Jaden Marie Combs! Clean up that mess, grab you a poptart, and get your butt in the car! " I slammed my hand on the counter. I was trying to be that parent that doesn't cuss at their children but that shit is hard especially when they get on your nerves so bad that you just need to cuss them out.
"NO! NO! NO!" She yelled stomping on the plate making it shatter.
I had to hold myself back because I was about to knock the hell out of this child but I had to remind myself hat she's technically not my child.
"JUSTIN! COME GET YOUR CHILD BEFORE I BEAT HER ASS!!!!" I screamed. Seconds later he came into the kitchen confused until he saw her pouting with her arms folded standing next to the mess in the kitchen. He took one look at my face and grabbed her by her arm.
"What is wrong with you?" He asked her.
She rolled her eyes and looked down.
"Do you hear me talking to you? Open your mouth and talk."
Still nothing.
"5.....4....1" He grabbed her and whopped her with his bare hand leaving her screaming and crying like she was dying.
"Close your mouth and clean up this mess before I really give you something to cry about." He sternly said picking up the broken glass and giving her a rag.
"I'll take her to school. You go on to class before you're late." Justin said throwing the trash away.
I wrapped up her pop-tarts that I warmed up and grabbed my stuff and left after saying my goodbyes.


I had five minutes to get to class because if not my professor would lock my ass out and I'll be damned if I'm spending my money to come here and he locks me out and I can't learn. Nope that's way I'm here everyday early but fucking around with Jaden almost had me late. One thing that Justin can't deny about his child is that she has his temper all the way.
Sliding into my seat I made it right on time.
"Good morning class" Professor Jackson said as he checked his watch and went over and locked the door right as someone was trying to walk in. Then he had the nerve to close the blinds like they weren't standing there.


Everyone mumbled their good mornings and we go right to class.
Four hours later we were able to leave and I had a while before Jaden was suppose to be picked up so I decided to go home and change clothes then maybe do a little shopping.
After changing out of our business attire I slipped on a black tee with a pair of high waisted jeans and paired it with some black sandals. I pulled my hair out of its bun and let it flow freely down my back.
Pulling up to the packed mall I hopped out of my truck and started my journey of buying whatever caught my eye.
"Ma'am can I help you?" A worker asked as I stepped into Footlocker.
"No thank you. I'm just looking." I replied picking up the latest pair of jays considering to buy them for Justin.
"She's pathetic." I heard a female voice say.
"Yeah but she believed it." A familiar deep voice said making me turn around.
And low and behold there was none other than Justin with another female.

Isn't he just FULL of surprises...


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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