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The plane ride home was silent and very, very, slow. Justin wouldn't say a word to me and even acknowledge my presence but it was whatever. I wasn't about to let him make me feel bad for speaking from my heart. I do expect a ring but as stubborn as he is I'm not going to hold my breath over it. If I get it great if not then I'll just move on. There's more guys out there than Justin Combs. No matter how much I love him and want to be with him.


As soon as we got home he dropped our bags at the front door and went to his man cave and slammed the door. I sighed and carried a sleeping Jaden upstairs to her room for bed. After making sure she was straight I grabbed our bags and took them upstairs emptying them and putting them in their respectful place.
"Where my bag at?" Justin asked coming into the bedroom.
"I emptied everything in it and put it up."
He nodded and left out the room.
"You're welcome." I mumbled flinging myself on to the bed. I laid there for a few minutes before I got a call from Jabrea.
"What you doing?" She asked.
"You ok?"
"Yeah." I mumbled not even believing the lie that I just told.
I was hurt.
Hurt that I felt that it had to come to an ultimatum for me to be ultimately happy. Hurt that he was reacting this way to it. Was I wrong?
"Get up. We're going out for drinks." She said.
"What? No. I'm not in the mood for drinks."
"I'm at the front door. Open it up." She said then hung up.
Opening the front door I immediately rolled my eyes.
"Well hello to you too." She sarcastically said.
Instead of replying I made my way upstairs with her following behind me.
"You can't sit around this house and sulk in your own puddle of sadness. Let that nigga know that if we have to leave. Hell we will."
"Who is we? I think this is more of a me thing. You got your happily ever after. I can help other people but can't get my own shit together." I sat on the bed pulling my knees to my chest. Jabrea was quiet for a minute before going into my closet and pulled out a light blue flowy dress and a pair of nude pumps to match.
"Here put this on." She said handing it to me.
"No I'm not going anywhere and I'm not putting it on." I refused.
"Get the damn dress." She said.
"Dammit Aryanna. Get the got damn dress on right now so we can go." She yelled. I snatched the dress and slid it own with the shoes she gave me. My hair was in a messy bun so I left it like it was and lightly applied mascara.
"Where you going?" Justin asked coming back into the room for his phone charger.
"Out." Jabrea said.
He didn't say anything but smugly chuckle followed by shaking his head.
"What you laughing at? I'll have her back before the sun comes up which leaves you plenty of time to look for a ring." She said then dragged me out of the house and to her car.


"I don't want another drink." I whined.
"Shut up and drink." She groaned. I understand that she was trying to get me drunk but nothing was going to fill the hole of feeling worthless.
"But I'm not thirsty." I hiccuped then covered my mouth before we began laughing.
After our laughter died down we began to reminisce on our teenage years like a bunch of old people.
"Remember that time we had a water balloon fight in my front yard." She said causing me to laugh."
"Yeah in the middle of the hood. It was so much fun until Trey and Shaq started fighting and Trey threw that balloon and it almost broke Mr. George's window." I said between laughter.
"Yeah and he called the cops on us while chasing us down the street. And we were laughing so hard we couldn't even run."
"Yeah Justin and Trey had to come back and get us cause we were weak." I sighed at the thought of all the good times we had.
"We don't have fun like that anymore. I miss it." I grabbed the shot glass of the table before I took the shot of patron to the head. Later feeling the slight effects of it burning my throat.
"Yeah me too. Life was so much more simple back then. Even with Hoann and her crazy ass." We both laughed.
"Yeah but everyone is so busy with their lives now. We see each other and hangout but it's nothing compared to the good times we use to have back in high school." I said waving down the bartender for another drink.
"Yeah we've grown up now. We all have responsibilities compared to back then when we barely had any. It's not the same anymore." Jabrea said sighing causing the mood to decrease. I was quiet for a minute stirring my drink around with the straw.
"You think I'll ever get married?" I asked Jabrea with tears falling down my face.
"I don't know pumpkin, I don't know."


"Man get that out of here!" I yelled swatting the ball from making it into the basket. Mack, Trey, Sean, Shaq, and I were playing basketball at Sean's house and things were getting intense.
"Swat my ball again nigga and I'ma swat you." Mack said rolling his eyes.
"Move." I bumped into his shoulder.
"Look son get back." He pushed me away but I automatically got back in his face.
"Jus man, get that negative shit off my damn court. You been in a pissy ass mood since your girl put her damn foot down. Don't take that shit out on us cause she's tired of your shit!" Sean yelled pulling me away from Mack. I grabbed a towel off the table beside me and wiped my face. Yeah it's true I'm fucking pissed that her selfish ass has to make something yet again about her. It's Aryanna's way or the highway and I'm sick of that shit. She thinks I'm suppose to jump if and when she tells me to but no fuck that I'm a grown ass man and I'm not scared of no petty as "ultimatum." I'm not ready to be tied down to anyone yet so if she leave my ass then I'll be fine. It's other women in the world besides her.
"Man yeah whatever iight." I mumbled.
"For real son. You gonna ask her to marry you?" Shaq asked taking a sip of water.
I chuckled shaking my head.
"Why would I? Because she wants me to? She can wait."
They all groaned and shook their heads.
"You only got till the end of the year man." Sean said as he dribbled the ball around.
"Is that suppose to scare me?" I shrugged.
"Why you so mad? Cause she finally saying what she wants and isn't doing what you say?" Mack asked squinting his eyes at me. This nigga... while he worried about my girl his ass needs to be worried about him and Kacie and her carrying his baby while he worried about me and mine."
"Nope she's just selfish as fuck and a nigga tired of it."
"No nigga you just stupid." Sean said.


I tiptoed in at around 4am slightly more than tipsy. After taking a quick shower I climbed into bed alone. Justin was sleeping in the guest room for the time being. I laid in the darkness thinking and praying about this whole situation. I can't shake this lonely and worthless feeling. Maybe he doesn't and never had the intentions of marrying me. Am I ready to cut everything off with him and walk away? Will I have to walk away sooner because of how he is treating me? After a little while of thinking I began to fall into a restless sleep.


"Jaden will you pick your toys up please so that mama can vacuum." She rolled her eyes and did as I asked while I plugged the vacuum in. Today was Saturday and I was taking the day to get some much needed cleaning done to hopefully relieve some stress and take my mind off of things.
"Thank you." I said as she climbed up on the couch next to her dad as he replied to some work emails. I began vacuuming the living room and cleaning around them. We would usually clean the house together, I would clean up stairs and he slowly would clean the down stairs so that when I was finished he had an excuse for me to come and help him. We would turn up the music as loud as it would go and dance around the house to make the cleaning go by faster but today I was cleaning all alone in a quiet house with barely any noise except for me cleaning and Jaden lightly playing to herself.
"Move your feet please." I asked Justin as I was trying to finish vacuuming so that I could go upstairs and cry my frustrations away.
He glanced at me and didn't move. It took everything within me not to take that vacuum and smack him across his face with it. I took some deep breaths before I asked again to only get the same reply, nothing. Blowing out a shaky breath I picked his legs up and moved them myself. By now the tears I had built up were starting to make their appearance so I quickly finished vacuuming and put it away before I went into the kitchen and sat behind the counter to hide.
A few minutes went by before Justin came in going straight to the refrigerator ignoring me. He glanced down at where I was sitting before laughing at the tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Fucking drama queen." He mumbled.
That was it, that was the final straw.
I feel defeated.


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
-Is Aryanna going to have to leave Justin sooner than expected?

-What is Justin's problem?

-Is Aryanna being too moody about the situation?

-Who's side are you on?
#TeamMarried #TeamBreakUp #TeamNeither

Love you guys💘

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