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I changed my mind guys! It's not a Apartment complex it's the name of Townhouse complex. Not sure if they're the same thing but who cares. Plus I updated TWICE in ONE day!!!
Go ahead and tell me how much you guys love me!

I'll wait....


Ok.... Well on with the story....



"Ughh!" Krystal yelled slamming her phone down on the table next to her. She had been trying to call Justin but he kept denying her calls.
"How you holding up Ary?" She asked turning her attention to me.
"Not good." I croaked out sniffing then coughing.
"I'm so sorry." She wrapped the blanket around me tighter then went to sit on the bed in front of me.
"I'm so cold." I shivered. I'm pretty sure I had the flu or something worse because I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing and my body ached worse then when they beat me.
"I know. I'll try calling Justin again." She said grabbing her phone.
"No." I stopped her causing her to look at me in a puzzled way.

"Call Alijah."


"We go in and get my sister. If a bitch nigga get in the way kill his ass no questions bout it. Understand?" I told everyone and they nodded.
Tonight was the night and I wasn't playing no games. I had my niggas and Justin and his crew so we was rolling in deep.
"Grab a vest off the table, strap up, and meet us out back." Aiden said leaving to go start the vans outside. I stayed to make sure everyone moved like he said then went to be with my brother.
"You ready man?" I asked him then denied Krystal's call.
He loaded his gun before tucking it away in his pants.
"Hell yeah."
We waited a few minutes before we all loaded up and drove the hour long way to Manhattan.


"God help please." I mumbled.
We pulled up onto the street and parked far away from the building. We all got out and stood waiting for the signal.
"J come here." Alijah said.
"Is that the building from your dreams?" He asked pointing out the familiar looking building with flowers in front at the end of the strip. Although every house looked the same I could tell which was the house." I immediately nodded relieved that I wasn't just crazy that this place actually existed.
"Alright let's go." Aiden said. I motioned for everyone to follow us and we all went our separate ways. Alijah, Aiden, Trey, Shaq, and I all went around back while Big and Smooth and the rest of the guys took care of the front. This shit was personal to us so we ultimately wanted the most action.
"Let's get in and get out." Shaq said. We all agreed and pulled out guns out making sure everyone was good and we had on the silencers.
"You get the honor of kicking the door in." Aiden said. I nodded while Trey gave the other guys the signal. I braced myself and slammed my foot into the door kicking it right in. We didn't waste a second before rushing in but the house was empty. While Smooth and them checked the downstairs, we went upstairs.
As soon as we got upstairs is when we felt all the cold air. We began checking rooms with no luck on finding anyone.
"Look." I motioned to the room at the end of the hall.
The closer we got to the room is when we heard muffled coughs and voices along with shuffling.
I drew my leg back and kicked the door in not bothering to see if it was locked or not.
"What the hell!" Joann said standing next to a lady who looked like an older version of her.
"Justin." Aryanna's weak voice said.
"Well... Well... Well... look who made it in just enough time."
"Cut the shit Tracie." Trey said. She looked shock because we knew who you are.
"Well I'm thrilled th-"
"Look I anit with that you talk then I talk shit so how about I do all the talking. Let my fucking sister go or I won't hesitate to blow your fucking brains on the wall." Alijah said clenching his teeth.
"Is that a theat?" She smiled.
"Ooo bitch my finger itching. Don't fucking play with me." He threatened. All of a sudden you could hear banging from downstairs so we began shooting Tracie was the first to go. I raised my gun in Joann's direction and the only face I could see was Jaden's. That was her mother and somehow I couldn't bring myself to kill her. I hesitated before I lowered it and she ran out the room. A few seconds later Big and the guys came upstairs dragging Krystal by her arm.


"You know I fucking hate snakes and you turned on me!" I yelled at Krystal as Trey and Shaq began untying a pale looking Aryanna.
"Lijah please don't." Aryanna whispered to me before coughing up blood.
"Shit! Let's go!" Justin swooped her up into his arms before rushing out the house and into the van.
"Consider yourself a lucky bitch." And with that I ran outside and hopped in the car with my fam before we sped off down the street.


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
They found her!!!
What do you think is wrong with Aryanna?
Do you think Justin will keep his promise and propose to Aryanna soon?
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-MVP OUT💜✌🏾️

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