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Waking up I rolled over to an empty bed meaning Justin was up and probably already at the stadium. Today the Jets were playing the Miami Dolphins at our home field. I sighed kicking the covers back and getting out of the bed. Attached to the bathroom was a note from.

Hey baby!
I had to pick Jaden up from my pops house this morning so she's at the house with you in her room sleeping. Just so you know.
Love you mama!

I rolled my eyes and balled the paper up throwing it in the trash. He could've woken me up to tell me that instead of leaving a note. I could've decided to sleep all day and would've never known she was here. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth before going to get Jaden up for breakfast. "Get up baby." I said shaken Jaden. She stirred in her sleep a little before waking up and stretching her arms out to be carried. I picked her up and propped her up on my hip and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Placing her on the kitchen counter. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked.
I shook my head "How about cereal?" Opening up the cabinets I pulled out a bowl and fruit loops while she pouted. "You can have cupcakes when we get back from daddy's game."
She immediately perked up and began shoving fruit loops into her mouth. I chuckled and shook my head grabbing some fruits to make a salad.

"Mommy lets go!!!" Jaden yelled from downstairs.
"I'm coming honey! I'm almost done!" I was slipping on my black sandals to match my green Jets shirt and my high waisted jeans.
"Jaden! I'm coming now stop screaming!" I grabbed my bag and made sure everything was locked before we left.


First let me hop out motherfucking Porsche
I don't want it if that ass don't sit like a horse
I be balling on these niggas got me feeling like sports
Dash got so much wood I could build me a fort

"Aye!!!!!!" We all yelled doing our traditional whip right before the game to get us all hyped up.
"Go coach!!!" Coach Bowles stood up in a chair and started whipping. One of the assistant coaches came in and told us that it was time to play. "Let's eat boys!!!!" Geno our quarterback said causing us all to yell in agreement.

When I'm playing I block out everything, I can't hear anyone and I can't see anyone. I get into the zone. My only concern is getting to the end zone and protecting my brothers the best way I can. We took the snap and Geno dropped back getting ready to throw the ball except he looked unsure of where to throw it. I saw a hole that I could run through to get in front of him "Geno!" I held my arms up to catch the ball as he threw it holding it in between my arm and side. I spun around on the heels of my feet and ran full force of course faking people into thinking I was going in a different direction. 50..40..30..20..10..end zone. "TOUCHDOWN JETS!!!!" The announcer yelled. "Yeah baby!" I said slapping my own self in the chest out of excitement as my teammates came up. "LET'S GO!!!" Rick one of my teammates yelled hitting me on my helmet.

It was a minute left in the fourth quarter and we were beating the Dolphins by a single touchdown. "NOW!!!!" We all heard Coach Bowles yell meaning it was time to run our new play called "The Eagle". We all got into position. Geno dropped back and tossed the ball to Sean he runs along the side and throws it across to Rick, he throws it at the 20 yard line to our teammate Brian. He doesn't really play, he's got the potential but he's not a dependable player. No one has ever seen us play him so they weren't really sure who he was. He catches the ball and freezes.. It's fifteen seconds left on the clock and he's just standing there. "GO!!!" I yelled at him tackling a player to keep him away from the ball. Brian is still standing there. 15..14..13..12..10..9... "GO!!!!!!" Coach Bowles yells. He finally turns around and runs in the direction of the end zone . 8..7...6...5..4...3..2.. "TOUCHDOWN JETS!!!!" The announcer yells. A wave of relieve rushes over me he made it. We all ran into the end zone to him giving him high fives and picking him up. GDFR by Flo Rida began to play in the stadium as we ran into the locker room. I chugged down two bottles of water and changed out of my jersey into a Jets Football shirt and a hat to go into the press room for interviews. "Justin that was a great touchdown. How'd you do it?" A lady asked. I really wanted to be hella sarcastic but instead kept it professional. "Well I wouldn't be able to do it if it wasn't for my amazing brothers who constantly have my back." I answered a few more questions then left to go grab my bag out of the locker room. "DADDY!!!!" Jaden yelled running into my arms and giving me a big kiss. "Daddy you played good!" She gave me another kiss. "She's right you played amazing." Aryanna gave me a kiss and grabbed my bag. "Where's everybody else?" I asked.
"Your parents are outside and your brothers and sisters already left to go to the place we're eating dinner at." She said.

"Good job son!" I met up with my family outside of the stadium. I hugged my pops and gave my mother a quick kiss. "I wanna ride with gammy!!!!" Jaden ran and grabbed my mom's hand. "What about gampy? You don't wanna ride with me?" My pops said teasing Jaden. "I'm sorry gampy but you're not my gammy." We all laughed and headed to Applebee's.


"Jaden put that pepper shaker down." Christian said taking it from her. She started pouting and acting as she was about to cry. "Don't." Justin said sternly. She immediately stopped and leaned back in her booster chair laying her head on Quincy's shoulder. "She's tired." I motioned for her to come to me and I picked her up placing her in my lap. We all ate dinner then said our goodbyes and went home. "You coming home with me?" Justin asked.
"Yeah I guess so."
"You should just move in with me." He said. I shook my head "Thats a negative." He sighed and continued home. After getting Jaden ready for bed and myself I finally climbed in bed resting my head on a sleeping Justin's chest and listened to his heartbeat until I eventually fell asleep.


And.... SCENE!!!!!
Trying a different form of writing. Let me know what you think about it!!
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-MVP OUT💜✌🏾️

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