Horrible Excuse....

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Joann in the picture above we're gonna say Joann is three years older than everyone.

Aryanna's POV

"Bitch get your hands off my child!" A voice yelled startling everyone including the toddler. "Did you hear me! Get your hands off my child!!!" The voice yelled again but this time flipping the lights on. The voice belonged to none other then Joann herself. Her clothes were hanging off of her, her hair was matted and she was nothing but skin and bones literally. "MOMMY!!!" Jaden yelled trying to jump out of my arms over to her mom only to be held back by Justin and I both. "Give me my damn child! I came for my child!!" Joann screamed. No one said anything. We were more shocked than anything. This girl use to honestly be pretty but now she looked sick. "No. Get out." Was all we heard as Justin got up and took his daughter in his hands up to her room. "I'm done with you. Come get your stuff and just get out." He said calmly. "Maybe we should leave." Kacie said standing up. "Yeah bitch maybe you should." Joann said with a well apparent attitude. "Wait hold on. Lets not do this. You already struggling so I suggest you leave that one alone." I told her crossing my legs and folding my arms. My attitude hasn't changed since high school and it probably never will. She screamed and stomped past us and up the chairs screaming Justin's name.

"Bitch." I mumbled.

Justin's POV

"JUSTINNNNNN!!!!!" Joann screamed. I clinched my eyes shut as I rubbed Jaden's back to calm her down from crying. She was scared from all this constant yelling but I mean who wouldn't be. "What?" I said through clinched teeth when she swung Jaden's bedroom door open. She glanced down at her then back at me. She walked to her closet door and snatched it open grabbing a bag and throwing things in it. "Put it back now." I calmly said. Lord please keep me calm, don't let me punch the shit out of her like I want to. "You don't tell me what the fuck to do!" She screamed back. That's it I've had enough. Before I could react Mack ran in the room to get Jaden out. I know they all heard the commotion and that was honestly the best thing for him to do right now was to get my daughter away from it. Once I knew she was safely down the stairs I went to my room throwing all Joann's stuff in a trash bag making sure not to pack the things that I paid for. "No Justin stop!!! I'm not going anywhere!!" She said trying to stop me. I snatched away from her "The fuck do you mean! You talking about taking my fucking daughter away but you not leaving! You got me fucked up. Get your shit I'm done! You're a delusional hoe! I wasted my life on you!! You're a horrible mother and horrible wife!!!" I yelled shoving her clothes at her. I chuckled "I guess what they said was right, you can't turn a hoe into a house wife and in this case a mother too." She had nothing to say. "You still here get the fuck out!!!!" I pushed her towards the door but not hard enough to hurt her.

"Justin... I need help." Was all she could say.


And...... SCENE!!!!!!
What do you think is wrong with Joann?
Do you think Justin is right for putting her out?
Do you think Justin will leave her?
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