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"Yeah I'm picking it up now" I said as I got back into the car from picking up Justin's suit for the night. We have been engaged for a little over a month now and tonight his dad was throwing us an engagement party to celebrate. I had been running around all day trying to make sure that we had what we needed for the party as well as working on things for the gym. The gym was coming along really nicely and would be opening soon so I had began to hire my staff.
"Ok did Jesse give you the stuff with my shoes?" Justin asked.
"No he said he'll be over to dress you and you can pick your shoes from his options then." He grunted and dropped something that sounded like metal.
"Ok bae. I'll be home when Coach let us." He groaned.
I rolled my eyes and turned my signal light on to turn in the direction of Jaden's school.
"You told him about the party right?" I questioned.
"Fuck no, so he can think he invited? I told him I had an important engagement that I had to be at."
"Hopefully he doesn't have y'all there too late then and you won't be too tired." I sighed. Coach Gase had the guys at the field all kinds of hours and worked them so much that when Justin would finally get home at night he would be so tired that he could barely move, all because he wants a ring in his first year of being the head coach; completely oblivious to the well being and overall health of his team. And for that reason I couldn't stand his ass.
"Don't worry. Daddy will be home on time and you can give me the extra energy that I need." He said making us both laugh. We talked for a few more minutes before he hung up and I pulled into the pickup lane at Jaden's school. I sat there singing to the radio as I watched the kids run to their respective cars and buses and slowly moved up in line as other cars pulled off. About ten minutes later Jaden's teacher Mrs. Bailey walked her to the car and helped her inside.
"She was great today mom!" Her teacher said as she shuffled through some papers she had before handing me one.
"This is her progress report. She's doing really well and ahead of her targeted area right now." She said.
I took a few seconds and glanced at her report and smiled. My baby had A's and B's.
"We are still working on her Dyslexia Exceptionality but she seems to be well in control of it. I'm proud of her."
"Me too." I added looking at her blushing in the back seat. Mrs. Bailey and I talked a few more minutes about Jaden's progress before we said our goodbyes.
"Ice cream!?" I yelled tilting the rear view mirror down to see her reaction.
"ICE CREAMMMM!!!!!!!" She bounced around in her seat dancing. I shook my head laughing, turned up the radio and made our way to get her sweet treat.


"Run it again!" Coach Gase yelled making us all groan. He was really pissing me off. I looked at the time on my watch seeing that it was now going on 5pm and I shook my head. The party was at 7 and I needed to be making my way home. I ran the last play with them and headed off to grab my things.
"Combs where you going?" Coach Gase asked.
I grabbed the towel off the back of the single bleacher and began to wipe the sweat off my face.
"Home, I told you I had a engagement that I could miss."
"Well we need to tighten up a few more things, you can leave in a hour."
I shook my head chuckling because he was really about to make me spazz the fuck out.
"No I'm leaving now." I grabbed my water bottle and began walking towards the locker rooms when I heard him start talking shit.
"See this is what I mean when I talk about dedication and hard work" I turned around walking back ready to deck him dead in his fucking mouth.
"Ahhh I see you have returned. You thought about this ring being more important than your little "engagement"."
Sean immediately came over and pushed me back before I got too close.
"Nahhh my fiancé and my daughter are more important than any fucking ring." I stated as the guys tried to push me in another direction as he continued taunting me.
"Son, Justin, Bruh look at me." I looked at Sean ready to pounce on Gase ass the moment they let me loose.
"I got his ass, you go home to your family. I'll see you later on." I nodded my head and dapped him before I continued on to the room. One of my teammates David stayed with me until I left to make sure I didn't go back out there. I was still livid don't get me wrong but I'll be damned if I let Percvil Gase lonely ass keep me from being there for my baby girl and my future wife. I sped all the way home seeing that it was now 5:30 and saw multiple cars in the driveway. I pulled into the garage in my spot and hopped out. Soon as I opened the door I heard Aryanna fussing at Jaden.
"Sit your little butt down and don't move."
Jaden began to sass her back.
"Say another word and I'm gonna get your daddy on you." From where I was standing I could see them both in the kitchen. Jaden was getting her hair done and popping off at the mouth while Aryanna was trying to get ready herself but was cutting up some fruit for Ja.
"What you in here doing?" I asked making my presence known.
"Daddy!!!" She yelled trying to get down to hug me. I stopped her and made her sit back down. I was way too sweaty to touch her and we were all pressed for time so instead I gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Hey baby." I gave Aryanna a kiss on the top of her head and began making my way upstairs.
"I laid your bath stuff out for you. Jesse will be here in a few." I nodded and made my way upstairs to let the hot water take the stress of today away.

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