You're Not My Dad....

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Short chapter....

Aryanna's POV

"The fuck do you mean where have I been? You're not my dad!" I yelled at Tyler throwing my shoe at him. 3 months have passed since our date and we decided to start dating. The first two months were really cool. He was super sweet, a gentleman but now it's like he's lost all his marbles. Constantly accusing me of cheating and lying to him. He's so controlling. I let it pass at first because I thought it was stress from his new position at his job but it's been a month now if he's still stress he just needs to quit. "You cheating ain't you!?" He dodged the shoe and threw it back. The motherfucker hit me dead in my chest hard almost knocking the wind out of me.Lord build a fence...... "Nigga do it look like I'm cheating! I was at work! You're not the only with a job! You know what get the fuck out! I'm tired of this shit! Fuck you Tyler!" I screamed pushing him out the door but was completely caught off guard when he pushed me back causing me to hit the ground hard. He began to punch and kick me even going as far as grabbing me by hair and slinging me into the wall. Yes I'm a fighter and I'll fight a man but at this exact moment I was helpless. "Stop!!!!" I screamed kicking and trying to fight him off but that seemed to only make him fight even harder. He slung me into the kitchen counter causing me to slam my head on the corner of it. The blood gushing from my head must have scared him enough that he ran out of the house leaving me lying on the floor in my own puddle of blood. I pulled myself across the floor towards the oven door where two towels were attached to the handle. I pulled one down and tried to put pressure on my head. I tried to stand but it's as if my legs didn't exist so I began crawling to the living room to find a phone. The pain I was in was beyond any words to describe but I knew I had to call someone. I didn't know the extent of my injuries I just knew that with any type of head injury you had to take immediate precautions. My phone was sitting on a table sitting next to the couch I attempted to pull myself up to grab it but the pain was just unbearable. Pushing the table over I was able to grab my phone and call for help.
"Hey girl! I was just about to call you and see if you wanted to go out tonight." Nevada said answering the phone.
"Help...." Was all I could mutter out. My voice was barely above a whisper.
"What? What's wrong?" I couldn't answer. I felt myself losing consciousness.

"Aryanna.... Aryanna!!" Was the last thing I heard as I slipped into a darkness.


And..... SCENE!!!!
What just happened?
Not Tyler! Why he gotta be crazy?
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