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Justin's house in the picture above.

Aryanna's POV


I woke up the next morning tangled in the covers and wrapped up in Justin's arms. All the events from last night came flooding back. I always knew that I would give my virginity away to Justin but I always imagined it would be prom night of senior year. Part of me was happy it happened but the other part of me was disgusted with myself. How was I suppose to know this wasn't a cycle with Justin. One minute he's with me, next with Joann, then back with me again. I was too old for his games, I needed consistency in my life and I just don't think he can give me that. I pried his arms from around my waist and went downstairs to get my suitcase. Our plan was to stay the night and all sleep in the living room like we use to do but as you can see that didn't happen. After retrieving my bag and take a shower I changed in a cream colored top and jeans that I rolled at the ankles. I tossed my hair in a messy bun then put in my contacts. Leaving the bathroom I began to walk past Jaden's room and heard Justin talking to her about Joann. "Baby, mommy isn't coming back for a while." He stated rubbing her back. "Why daddy?" She asked. "She's sick baby." Justin told her I could hear the pain in his voice so I knew it was hard for him. "When she gets better, she coming home?" She asked confused. "Not exactly. Sweetie, your mommy hurt daddy's feelings really bad and daddy won't talk to mommy." He told her. "Daddy please don't be mad at mommy." Jaden said then began to cry. My heart shattered. Joann is such a horrible person. This poor child loves her mother with all her heart and Joann just doesn't care. "Hey how'd it go?" Jabrea asked scaring me while we walked down the stairs. "How'd what go?" I attempted to play like I was confused. "You and Justin girl. Don't act like we don't know. Girl you were loud enough the people down the street probably heard." She said. If I was a couple shade lighter I would be as red as a tomato. "Oh my god..." I said then put my hand over my face. "Where yall slept?" I asked wondering how close they were to the upstairs. "The living room. But that's not what's important. How was it? Was he big? Girl did he ea-" I cut her off before she could finish. "I am not having this conversation with you." I told her than walked off into the living room. "There's virgin Ary... except without the virgin part." Trey said causing everyone to laugh. I picked up the nearest pillow and threw it at his head. God their making everything so awkward. But as if it wasn't awkward enough Justin came downstairs and asked to talk to me in the kitchen. "Umm about last night..." He started. "Thanks for being the for me and all." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh.. Um.. Yeah it's fine. You're welcome I guess" I was looking everywhere but at him. "Look I don't want things to be awkward between us. Aryanna you were the love of my life and you're still my best friend." He said then grabbed my hand intertwining my fingers with his. I looked down at our hands and up at him before pulling my hand away. "Yeah of course. No awkwardness." I said then walked away leaving him in the kitchen.

It pained me to hear him say I was the love of his life and I am his best friend. Maybe I want to be more but fear is keeping me from that.

Justin's POV

I wish that I wasn't such a dumbass in high school I would've been married to her by now. I married the devil himself but got an angel out of the relationship. Telling her she use to be the love of my life was another huge mistake. Why didn't I tell her that I never stopped loving her? Because of fear. I'm fucking scared that I'll get her again and after one stupid mistake I'll lose her again. "Hey Justin I'm going home to see my mama." Aryanna said walking into the kitchen. "Tell her I said hey. Are you coming back over? We're having a pool party." I asked her.
"Yeah I'll be back." She said walking out and shortly after closing the front door.

And...... SCENE!!!!!!
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