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Aiden (Killa)

I groaned and rubbed my eyes looking at the clock on my phone 8:30am it read. I sighed sticking it back in my pocket waiting for my brother to hop back in the car. We had been working all night and a nigga was tired. We had 30 minutes to get back to the warehouse to clean the evidence from the night before off of us and make it to a meeting with our sister and the design team on time at 9:15. Alijah was inside of one of the mini warehouses signing off on some inventory that needed to distributed and I opted to stay in the car and watch the area. The street was busy as people were driving by on their way to work and other places which means it was time to head out. I shot Lijah a text and stared at my daughter on my lock screen. Harmony was getting so big and looking more like me everyday. That's my baby, my heart, my seed, the reason I go so hard every night to make sure that she never have to want for a motherfucking thing. My daughter was going to be straight always whether I'm here or not, she would forever be taken care of. I glanced toward the door still not seeing my hard headed ass brother and shook my head knowing Pumpkin was gonna cuss our ass out for being late and I wasn't trying to hear all that honestly. About five minutes later he walked out and jogged over to the car.
"Don't say shit, I already know." He spoke as soon as he sat in the seat, I nodded then looked out the window contemplating if I was going to say anything back. I'm not scared of my brother or nothing don't get shit twisted but he was the hot head out of us twins. The one who was always ready to fight and conformational. I on the other hand was more quiet and reserved, I don't do talking and confrontation, I'll shoot your ass in the face and keep walking with no talking. So I had to chose my words carefully with Alijah, his ass was tired too and I wasn't trying to hear no unnecessary yapping.


I stopped for coffee and by the UPS store before making my way to my gym for a 9:15am appointment with both my brothers and the design team. Justin got up early and went to workouts and came home in enough time to finish getting Jaden dressed for the day before I had to leave. They were having a father daughter date and she was so excited that she had been telling everyone all week everywhere we went. Justin was going to take her to breakfast, to look for some presents for her cousins, and to pick out a live Christmas tree. Tonight we were going to have Christmas decorating party unbeknownst to either of them. I decided to start a new tradition along with our Christmas Eve tradition. I ordered us all matching pjs and slippers as well as few more items. I pulled into the parking lot with two minutes to spare and saw that they had begun working on the back parking lot and smiled. I was greeted by Jackson and his team immediately upon entering and escorted to the conference room on the second floor of the building. Aiden and Alijah were already seated looking in a book completely in their own world talking to each other.
"Hey yall." I said kissing them both on their forehead. I took a seat next to Alijah and put my Chanel bag in the vacant seat next to me. The conference room was big and pink with a hint of blue and purple flowers around the room fitting the theme.

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