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"What the fuck is this shit." I questioned myself as I paced the floor waiting for Alijah to walk in.
"Motherfuckers don't listen!" I stressed.
"Nigga what's going on?" Alijah asked when he came in.
I motioned to the room dramatically showing him why I was heated.
Alijah looked around with his eyes real low and chuckled.
"Yellow fucking carpet?"
"Nigga yess!!!" I began punching at the air.
"I told them no yellow carpet! They don't listen."
"Well shit it's gonna stay like this till Monday when they come back."
"Shitting me, I called his fat ass up here because I want him to experience how fucking upset I am."
Just then the contractor Joe walked in looking at his watch. I don't give a damn that's it's 4am, you should've did what I said when I fucking said it!
"Is there a problem?" Joe asked. I motioned to the carpet.
"The yellow carpet is a problem?"
"What! Yes! I said no fucking yellow carpet when you asked if I wanted yellow carpet earlier!"
"Would you like us to rip it up and fix it?" He questioned nonchalantly.
"Yes thank you, don't mind my brother he hasn't had his wheat thins. Here's something for your trouble." Alijah reached in his coat and pulled out a wad of cash and gave it to the contractor and sent him on his way. Aiden sighed and went to stand next to his brother still visibly upset. Alijah looked at his brother then chuckled.
"You wilding bruh."



I stood in lingerie store looking for something to wear on this mini vacay with Justin. To say that I was excited was a understatement! I graduate in less than a week and get to spend some alone time with my man, honey life was good. Justin and I have been in a good space lately thanks to the many counseling sessions that we have been going too. At first he was a little hesitant to open up to Dr. Marshall but now the nigga talks more than me and I can barely get a word in. We both have been more vocal about things and our emotions and I'm honestly glad that we took a different approach this time around. He seems to be growing and in a better head space and I'm enjoying the man that I fell in love with all those years ago in high school.

"What about this?" I asked the girls on Group FaceTime as I showed them a red lace two piece outfit.
"That's fire!" Brea yelled.
"That's cute, how many are you getting?" Kacie asked.
"Hell I don't know, we'll be there for a week."
"Get enough for a week then!" Nev pushed causing us to laugh.

Justin picked our destination for the trip and was keeping it a surprise from me. All I knew was that it was close to a beach and we were staying in a private villa but hell I don't care as long as I get my ring. It was now the beginning of December and Lord knows I'm not playing with this nigga nor will I be sweet talked into giving up on the ultimatum.

We all talked a little longer before I checked out and went into a few more stores before going home. On the way to the house I passed a sex store and did a complete u-turn before pulling into the parking lot and going inside. I looked at all the different toys, outfits, and videos before finding what I was searching for behind the counter.
"Excuse me ma'am. Can I see that tingling and warming massage oil?" I asked the worker.
"Sure, this gel is also edible and safe for any use." She said handing it to me. I read the back of the bottle before picking the strawberry flavor and grabbing a few more items then officially making my way home. As I pulled into the driveway Justin was standing in the yard watching Jaden ride her bike into the garage and park it next to his truck in her designated parking place.
"Hey mommy!!!!!" She yelled waving as I got out.
"Hey baby!"
I quickly grabbed the sex store bag and shoved it in my purse before Justin saw it because I knew ass would bug me until he saw what was inside and until I used it.
"Hey baby" He said as he pecked my lips a few times and grabbed my many bags.
"You been shopping for the trip" I nodded checking the mailbox for any mail before going inside.
"It's on the counter." He said as he took the bag upstairs and I sifted through it all looking for anything important.
"You smell good" he mumbled into my neck causing me to jump and drop the envelope on the floor as he pressed himself into my back causing me to feel how hard he was.
"What are you up to Mr. Combs?" I asked seductively as I shifted around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"What do you think I'm up to?" He eyed me causing me to blush and look away.
"I don't know that's why I asked you?" I played dumb causing us both to laugh.
"You and me later in the shower?" He spoke as he kissed my spot on my neck causing me to gasp then slightly moan.
"Mommy can we have Shakey's tonight!!!!"
"Of course Jaden!" I yelled back towards the stairs.
"I'll meet you there Mr. Combs." I pecked his lips then walked away to find the menu to order the pizzas.

"It's a date Ms. Johnson"


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