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"Aryanna Marie Johnson- College of Business" the announcer said as I watched my baby walk across the stage with grace and obtain her degree. I was beyond proud of her knowing that all of her hard work had officially payed off. She was set to open up her gym in a few months and I was excited to watch her and most importantly experience this new journey with her. After the ceremony was over we followed the crowd outside of the arena to find the graduates. We stood there for a few minutes before we saw her squeezing her way through the crowd with her degree tucked under her arm and the biggest grin plastered across her face. Everyone instantly began congratulating her and giving her their praise as she stood there just soaking it all in. She eventually made her way over to me and a sleeping Jaden who fell asleep before the graduates were announced.
"Hey" she spoke.
"Congratulations baby. You did it." I said kissing her forehead.
"No we did it, I couldn't have made it through without you." I smiled kissing her again then grabbing her hand leading her to the car so that we could all go and grab lunch. Our flight was later on that night and unlike Aryanna who had been packed for a week, a nigga didn't even have a sock in his suitcase.


"I know you heard Trey's loud mouth hollering." Shaq said as we all sat around the table. Aryanna laughed then nodded. "I heard everyone, but especially heard Trey. He yelled my name every time it got quiet."
"I had to let you know we were in the building lil bit."
"A damn shame." Mama Nina said causing us all to laugh.
"But on a serious note I want to take a moment to tell everyone thank you. This journey hasn't been easy but you all have kept me on the right path and got my ass together when I fell apart. I share my accomplishment's with each of you because I honestly wouldn't have made it without y'all. All the late nights, missing different things, crying myself to sleep, being stressed out and snapping on y'all is over and now it's time to put everything that I learned to use and I can't say thank you enough from the bottom of my heart; I love y'all." By the end of her speech Aryanna was crying and I grabbed the napkin that John was handing me and pulled her into a hug and wiped her tears.
"Alright that's enough, got me and my man teary eyed." Kacie joked lighting up the mood.
I know what y'all are thinking, this would be the perfect time for me to propose with her graduating and all but nah son. I'm not ready and although we're on better terms I still don't like my back being pressed against the wall so when I do propose it will be on my own time not anyone else's. After lunch we said our goodbyes and headed home with Mama Nina, John, and the kids following us as they would be staying at the house while we were gone to watch the dog and Jaden. As soon as we made it the house the kids ran to Jaden's play room and Aryanna and I made our way upstairs to our room to get ready to catch our flight. I sat on the bed staring at my suitcase dreading the process of packing. Ary went into her side of the closet to find something to change in while I watched her peel off the white bodycon dress she was wearing and drop it to her feet before stepping out of it and her crystal nude heels. God she is so beautiful, I instantly felt the temperature in the room rise when she bent over to pull the pair of black leggings over her smooth legs and jump to pull them over her ass. She glanced back at me to see what I was doing causing me to clear my throat and look somewhere else.
"You like what you see?" She teased.
"Yo don't tempt me son, I'll have that ass screaming while your parents downstairs."
She blushed and pulled her shirt over her head before making her way to me and bending down next to my ear.
"You have all week to do that." She whispered making me bite my lip, I instantly got up to start packing with a new found energy.

I'm about to put it down.



We had just arrived at our destination and I was standing outside the plane with a blindfold over my eyes waiting on Justin to guide me to wherever we were suppose to go. I could hear the waves and freeze the breeze going through my hair from where I was standing but I was still clueless. After waiting for what felt like ten minutes I finally got impatient of waiting on him. I didn't know where I was standing so out of fear of taking the wrong step and falling into the water I called out to him.
"Babe..." I whined waiting for his response.
"Hold on bae I'm coming." He said somewhere off in the distance in front of me. I huffed and pouted continuing to wait. Five minutes later he came back grabbing hand gently explaining that he had to go and check us in to get the keys while he lead me to wherever we were going.
"Ok baby just a few more steps...." he said then stopped and pulled my blind fold off. My mouth hit the ground and tears filled my eyes.
"Welcome to Bora Bora." He grinned.
"H- Ho- How did you know?" I asked turning to face him honestly lost for words. He scratched the back of his neck nervous before answering.
"A few months ago I found your list of vacation spots that you want to visit one day and I figured why not start marking things off." I just stared at him, I was honestly so lost for words I couldn't speak. Instead I pulled him into a passionate but sweet kiss. We stood there for a few minutes taking in the breathtaking view before making our way inside the villa where I was speechless again.

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