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Ok if you read the first book I had them graduating in 2015 well I changed the years around. 6 years have passed since graduation so its now 2016

Aryanna's POV

I fluttered my eyes open to instantly regret it. The lights were way to bright in this room. Waiting a few minutes I opened them again looking around the pale white room to see get well balloons, flowers, cards and stuffed animals everywhere. What the fuck. I began to sit up but I couldn't move. "Oh great you're awake. You just made my job a lot easier." A doctor said. He looked very young. He had light brown skin with a low haircut, and with freckles covering his nose and most of his face. "I'm Doctor Richardson. I've been your doctor for a while. Aryanna if you can hear me please blink." I blinked and he continued. "Aryanna do you know what today is." I slightly shook my head. "Today is July 1st, 2016. You were admitted to the hospital on March 1st of 2016. You've been here for 5 months in a medical induced coma." Doctor Richardson said then began to check my vital signs. The fuck does he mean five months. What the hell happened all I remember is me and Tyler fighting. Did he beat my ass that bad? "If you can feel this please blink." The doctor said messing with my legs. I blinked. "Ok great. We'll set you up for some CT scans of your head to make sure you have no brain damage and I will let your family know you are awake. They never left your side. They took one of the family waiting rooms and turned into a camp out. I slightly smiled. You have a beautiful family. Your husband loves you very much." He said then left the room. Husband? What husband? Justin must be here. Which means so is Jaden. That must be the family he was referring to..


Justin's POV

"Will you pass me another slice." John asked. I took his plate from hola me placed another slice of pizza unto it. It's been about five months with no sign but we still haven't lost hope. The doctor walked into the room and everyone was instantly quite. "I have some great news Aryanna is awake. She is now being tested for any brain damage but other than that she is doing great and I think it's because of the all the love you all sent towards her way. Thank you for making my job so easy." Doctor Richardson said. He was a cool ass doctor. On his breaks he would come in and hangout with us. Play some cards, 2k, board games, etc. "When is the earliest we can see her?" Mrs. Nina, Aryanna's mother said. "Within the next two hours." He left the room to attend to his other patients.

Four hours later it was my turn to go and see Aryanna. I chose to go last because I needed time to find the right words to say. "Hey." I entered her room. "Hey." She said turning in the bed towards me. She had a few scratches that left a mark and her head was still bandaged up but nevertheless she still looked beautiful. "How are you?" I asked taking a sit next to her on the bed. "I'm fine." She said. "Look Aryanna I'm in still in love with you. In fact I actually never fell out of love with you. I know I was stupid in the past and I regret that but just give me the chance to show you how I much you mean to me." Justin said. I was honestly shock no doubt I felt the same but was I ready to deal with him again? "I love you too Justin but how do I know this isn't just another cycle. How do you know you won't leave me for the next hoe?" I asked sitting up in the bed. "You gotta trust me." I sat there thinking for a few minutes before looking into his big brown eyes. The same eyes I use to always get lost in.

"Ok I trust you." He pulled me close by my chin and gently kisses my lips. "I love you." He said.
"I love you too."


And.... SCENE!!!!!
Finally there together!!! Go ahead and tell me how much you guys love me because I love yall too!!💚Comment and vote💕
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Love you guys💘

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