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This chapter is long and skips around from different peoples point of views. Other than that...


Btw that's Kean in the picture above or to the side it depends...

Ok now seriously here's the story....


Waking up I looked around the small dingy room. It was dark except for a street light shinning through the crack of an window that was boarded up. The room itself was dusty and smelled. Tears began to roll down my face as I thought about that actions that took place in me being here. I wasn't even sure where Jaden was but I prayed that she was safe. As if on cue the door that lead to the room swung open and she was pushed inside.
"Mommy!" She ran to me jumping on the bed that I was tied down to.
"Jaden! Baby are you ok?" She nodded crying then curling up next to me.
"I wanna go home." She mumbled.
"Me too baby. We'll be home soon I promise."


I paced the room shaking in anger as Alijah's tech team tried to tap into the neighborhood cameras to find a license plate. The whole crew was here including mine and Aryanna's family. Everyone was worried but even more mad that this happened.
"So Justin what exactly happened?" Christian my brother asked.
"I don't even know man. I went downstairs and the door was cracked but when I went upstairs I didn't see anyone not even the girls then all of a sudden a door slams which means whoever took them was smart in hiding." I told him.
"I swear on my life if it's Joann's fault I'm gonna kill her. Like no joke. I'm gonna kill her." Jabrea said. "I'll help you hide the body." Kacie said. "Shit you know I'm down for whatever." Nevada said. We all agreed this whole thing definitely had something to do with her. I decided to go out back on the porch and smoke a blunt to calm myself down.
"Aye you good?" Trey asked coming outside.
I shook my head "I should've gotten up the first time."
"Justin man it was no way of you knowing that this was going to happen."
I felt myself tearing up then the tears began to block my eyesight.
"We'll get them home son if that's the last thing we do."
I nodded my head agreeing then wiping the tears that had fallen away.


I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up I was tied to chair while Jaden was tied to the bed. I looked around the room for any signs of ways to get out but saw nothing. I sighed heavily kicking at a rock on the floor when the door opened and someone walked in. The light flipped on and my stomach did a complete back flip. Standing in the doorway was no one other than that sick bastard Professor Bates.
"Well, well, well we meet again." He said making my skin crawl.
"I've missed you." He walked up behind me and stroked my cheek. I tensed my body up and he began to massage my shoulders.
"Don't worry everything will be fine."
Professor Bates kissed my cheek.
"Such a beautiful little girl. I wonder if you feel as good as you look." He said to Jaden as she started crying while he unbuckled his pants.
"No no stop! Please stop!! Don't do this to her! Please! Take me instead." I screamed kicking my feet. I would be damned if he raped my baby. "Great your who I wanted to even began with. Kean come switch them around." And with that he left out of the room and in came this guy who I am assuming is Kean. He untied Jaden first and tied her to a chair then me to the bed.
"Help me please." I begged. He chuckled and shook his head "When your brother gives me his empire then I'll help."
Minutes went by and we were alone. I calmed Jaden down and we both sat quietly. You could hear the cars outside passing by the building and people talking and walking around.
"You ready." Professor Bates said.
I shook my head no.
"Well you ready don't have a choice oh and when it starts to feel good you can call me daddy or Christopher."
I literally threw up in my mouth at what he said. Christopher climbed on top of me and began to take his and my clothes off.
"Wait my daughter is right there." "She's not your daughter so it doesn't matter." He spat. I continuously begged him to stop but it was no use.

He raped me in front of her.


My sister being gone is really eating away at me. Something just seems off and I'm not sure what it is. Kean always talked about how lucky and how he wished he could be in my brother's position. I don't think he would take my sister and niece just to get it but shit I wouldn't put it pass the nigga. While my brother was over with the fam at Justin's I stayed at the trap to look over it. I took the elevator from the third floor to the basement where we kept everything. I saw some of the rookies getting inventory and giving Smooth and Big the money to count and the house hoes wrapping shit up to give to them.
"Aye Killa any word yet?" One of the rookie niggas asked. They all knew what was going on because Alijah told them to be looking out for the girls.
"Nah man."
"Keep your head up." He said and I nodded.
One thing is for sure I may be the quiet brother but my name is Killa for a reason.


"Wake up bitch." I heard someone say at the same time that I felt water being thrown on me.
I groaned opening my eyes. My body hurt beyond anything that I could ever say. All the memories from him raping me came running back.
"Where's my daughter?" I asked Joann.
"Your daughter? You mean mine?" She scoffed.
"Bitch you couldn't even remember her name."
"It's Jada."
"It's Jaden."
"Well if I want to call her Jada then I'll fucking call her Jada."
"When was she born?" I asked proving a point.
"I don't have to answer that." She said pushing her red stiff weave out her face.
"My point exactly. A mother knows those things. From her favorite color, food, movie, all of that. A mother is there for her child and not out popping her pussy for some drugs. Jaden's not even my real child but I would give my life for her. You have no clue what being a mother is and it's sad to say that we all know the only reason you had Jaden was to trap Justin and make him marry you but it didn't cover that fact that your a sad, psychotic, pathetic, irrelevant, obsessive, sorry ass excuse for a person. You're nothing but a waste of space and air on this earth.
Joann was quiet as she looked at Jaden sleeping uncomfortable in the wooden chair she was tied to.
"Obviously you have a problem with me and not her so let her go." She looked at me then at Jaden and nodded her head.

"I'll let her go."


And.... SCENE!!!!!!!
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-MVP OUT💜✌🏾️

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