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Aryanna's POV


"SHAKE IT OFF!! SHAKE IT OFF!!!!" Jaden's little baby voice yelled from the living room as she danced around listening to Taylor Swift this morning. Justin and I were making breakfast then dropping Jaden off to school and spending the day together. "Have you done your daughters hair yet." I asked flipping the bacon in the pan over. He smiled as if saying no. I smiled and shook my head. "Jaden go get a comb and brush so I can do your hair." She continued dancing ignoring me. Justin saw her not doing as she was told. "Did you hear Miss. Aryanna? You have 5 seconds to get your little butt up those stairs and do what she said." Justin said coming into the living room. "Justin it's fi-" he cut me off. "No it's not. Jaden do you want a spanking right before school?" She shook her head no and ran up the stairs. I began to follow behind her to check on her. "No come with me in the kitchen." He grabbed me by the waist scooping me into his arms. A few minutes the patter of little feet were heard stomping down the steps and into the kitchen where we were. Jaden was stubborn just like her dad. "Come on sweetheart." I ushered her over to the kitchen table where she climbed into a chair and I began to comb than french braid her hair as she ate her pancake and slice of bacon.

"We'll see you later honey. Daddy loves you." Jaden hugged Justin's neck then ran off to her class. She then stopped in her tracks running back to hug my leg. My heart melted at just that small gester. "Have a good day." I told her she nodded before running off to put her things away in her cubbie. "So what do you want to do?" Justin asked grabbing my hand thinking winking at me as we walked out of the preschool. "As great as that sounds babe my period is on so no cookie." I patted his cheek as I got into the passenger seat. I laughed at the disappointed look on his face as he got into the car. We drove around for a while before stopping at the local mall. Justin parked and came around to my side helping me out. I smoothed my hands over my navy blue maxi dress then grabbed his arm linking ours together. We walked around just looking in different stores enjoying each others company when we came across store that sold children's clothing called Lotus Boutique. I dragged Justin inside looking around at a couple things for Jaden, the twins, and something to send back to Summer.


Justin's POV


Aryanna amazes me everytime I look at her from her big brown eyes, to her smile, to her body. But the thing that amazes me the most is her love for my daughter. I always prayed for someone that would not only love me but love my child as well and I was blessed with her. She was shopping for Jaden, her brother and sister, and Shaq and Nevada's daughter Summer not even paying attention to the price tags. "Jaden would look so cute in this!" She exclaimed holding a lime green sundress. I nodded in agreement leaving her to shop in search of a chair. I knew she was gonna take forever considering we've been in here for 20 mins and she was still looking in the same section. 2 hours passed and we were finally checking out. Aryanna had bought 6 bags full of clothes, shoes, and accessories. "Ok no more clothes for Jaden for a while." I told Aryanna grabbing the bags. She smiled and agreed. "I'm sorry but I could'nt help myself plus they were having a sale." She pouted. I leaned down to kiss her lips. She linked her arm in mine again. "Oh babe I need to go in Victoria Secret." She said pulling me in the direction of the store. "Do you like this?" She held up a black lace see through lingere set. I began nodding my head fast "Yes hell yes! When can I see you in that?" I asked shifting the bags to one and grabbing her by the waist with the other. "Play your cards right and we'll see." She pulled from my grasp leaving me flustered. I began to pout as she kissed my cheek and began to fill the little shopping bag they gave her at the door with different items.


Aryanna's POV


"How was your day?" Justin asked Jaden. We had picked her up from school today and her teacher said she had good behavior so we were driving to the local ice cream shop for her reward. "Good!!!!" She yelled. I chuckled shaking my head. She started to tell us about some little boy she shared her snack with out of the corner of my eye I could see Justin getting tense from listening to his four year old daughter talk about some little boy. I grabbed his free hand that he wasnt driving with and brought it to my lips kissing it and holding it tight. "Miss Arweanna?" Jaden asked. "Yes honey." I replied. "Ummm can I call you my mommy?" She asked. That question along caused me to stop in my tracks not that I had a problem with her calling me that it just completely caught me off guard. "Jaden honey you know she's not your real mom right?" Justin asked her occasionally looking up at her from his rearview mirror. "I know but she's like my mommy." Jaden said. I glanced at Justin as he nodded his head. "Jaden would you like to call me mommy?" I turned in my seat a little to see her while she kicked her feet to the faint music playing on the radio. She nodded her head fast bouncing in her seat wildly.

"Ok you can call me mommy." I told her smiling.
"Yayy!!!! I have a mommy again!" Jaden yelled and did the Shmoney dance. Justin rubbed his thumb over my hand then kissed it.


And.... SCENE!!!!
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