[51] everything i wanted (M)

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sighing as he towel-dried his hair, jeongguk made sure to carefully avoid the boxes that were laying around his apartment. when he and taehyung had decided that it would be better for the two of them to move in together they both settled on using the blonde's apartment and so jeongguk began packing. he was slowly moving his things over to his boyfriend's apartment so as not to raise suspicion and once everything was out of his place and at the smaller's, he would list his apartment for sale.

wandering over to his closet he pulled out a pair of boxers and pulled them on, choosing to dry and style his hair first so that it wouldn't drip all over his jacket once he had it on. phone in his hand, he headed back to the bathroom, setting the sleek, black device on the counter beside him and grabbing his hairdryer he began to work on making sure that his hair was completely dry so that the product would sit in it properly.

just as he turned off the hairdryer he was startled by the sound of his phone going off and he peered to look at it, his chest warming and a smile spreading on his face as the caller id read " my baby bear 🧸🥺", immediately jumping to answer it, putting his phone one speaker as he grabbed his hair gel.

"hey, baby", the ravenette hummed smoothly, a bright smile on his face as he began to work the gel into his hair, sweeping it off to one side, revealing his forehead and strong brows.

"hi, gukkie", came the soft response but something in the younger's chest twinged at his boyfriend's tone of voice. taehyung's always been a soft and gentle person in general but nothing like this. no, the older's voice was small, quiet, shaky and hesitant, devoid of anything taehyung in general.

"what's up, sweetheart?", the dark-eyed boy murmured, flicking one final strand of hair into place before he picked up his phone and wandered back out into his bedroom.

"nothing, nothing", the blonde assured him as some shuffling could be heard from the other end of the line, likely the golden-skinned boy shuffling around in his sheets. "i just miss you, that's all."

"baby, i miss you too, even if it's only been a few hours", the taller chuckled, opening the doors to his closet as his eyes riffled for the christian dior suit that he wore to the soribada awards back in 2018. "but i can tell something else is bothering you. talk to me, love, what's wrong?"

and apparently, the smaller's resolve breaks at the words, his sobs ringing loudly throughout the room and jeongguk's stomach swooped at the sound, his chest feeling hollow at the prospect of his baby feeling upset, an image of the honey-eyed boy wrapped in his white sheets, a pillow between his arms as his body shook with the force of his cries.

"i-", the older choked and paused for a moment, taking a deep breath in response, trying to calm his breathing and settle his emotions but it didn't seem to be working. "i was missing army so i-i decided to go on-onto twitter to check up on them and see wh-what they were doing. and it was n-nice at first but then i scrolled further down and there some people saying me-mean things about me. i don't kn-know why this is getting to me all of a s-sudden. usually, i can ignore these kinds of things but it-it just hurts so bad right now."

the ravenette paused in his search for the suit, his eyes sad and his chest feeling tight.

"angel...", he sighed, trying his hardest not to run a hand through his hair and mess it up. "you know it's alright to get upset about these things sometimes, right? we can't always ignore it and we can't bottle it down either. we're all human after all."

"i just-", there was another shaky breath from the other end of the line. "they just make me feel so worthless, jeonggukkie."

something inside the tattooed boy snapped at those words, a red-hot rage that was bubbling in his chest. he was already angered enough by the thought of his boyfriend being upset but this, this was too much. there was absolutely no way jeongguk was going to head out for dinner with his parents now, not with taehyung crying at home. there was no way he'd be able to enjoy the dinner anyway, knowing that his mind would be too focused on the smaller to really pay attention to anything else.

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