[023] Ice King

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AN: alright you gay, bi, lesbi, trans, pan, asexual, intersex, genderqueer, heterosexual, aromantic, autosexual, polysexual, gender binary, non-gender binary, agender and straight peoPLE, the third part for Shameless will be coming soon, but here ...

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AN: alright you gay, bi, lesbi, trans, pan, asexual, intersex, genderqueer, heterosexual, aromantic, autosexual, polysexual, gender binary, non-gender binary, agender and straight peoPLE, the third part for Shameless will be coming soon, but here is a completely NEW Oneshot.

Some extra info: Jimin is 5'6 (171cm), Yoongi is the same as Jimin, Hoseok is 5'8 (177cm), Namjoon is 6' (185), Jin stands at 5'9 (180), Jungkook will be the tallest at 6'2 (190cm) and Taehyung will be the shortest at 5'2 (160. Yes, I am giving them a one-foot height difference, don't hate me).

Taekook are the 'same' age (20). Jungkook was born 9 months after Tae, they've also known each other since they were babies.

[Dream of You| Camila Cabello]


Hockey players and figure skaters alike gathered around the rink as they watched the light pinkette's skates carve patterns in the smooth ice, silently, stealthily, almost as if he were preying on the crowd around him as his sharp eyes calculated the velocity needed for his upcoming jump.

Park Jimin sighed as he leant against the barrier of the rink, watching his best friend twirl in the air effortlessly before landing smoothly. The younger was an etiquette, never to break down his walls that provided emotional protection to the ethereal beauty, for the use of emotion was undeniably vacant, choosing, instead, to live an amorphous life, creating a chrysalis of crepuscular ignorant bliss, living without a scintilla of felicity.

He had always come off as cynical, being given the name 'Ice King' to match his cold demeanour. Jimin couldn't deny the fact that the name was frighteningly accurate. The orange-haired boy cupped his hands to his lips, creating a megaphone to send a message to his serene friend.

"Taehyung-ah!", he shouted, catching the boys attention. "Time to get off the ice! The hockey players will be here in 10 to take over so that they can train their new player", the slightly older explained, a nod coming from the younger as he skated off the ice, giving no sign of acknowledgement to those of which who had been watching him, choosing to brush past them as if they were not there.

Jimin sent the crowd an apologetic smile before running after the pinkette, only to find him unlacing his skates in the locker rooms. "You should at least try to be nicer to them, Tae, they admire you", the taller suggested.

The smaller sighed harshly before yanking his black boot off. "We have spoken of this before, Jimin, we are not to speak of this again. I refuse to give them any sort of satisfaction until they have learned that I do, in fact, have feelings and that I am human", the younger spoke with utmost formality, something he did only in moments of discomfort. "Respect is key to everything in life, remember that."

Jimin sighed and tiredly ran a hand through his hair, slightly offended that the younger had chosen to call him 'Jimin' instead of 'Chim'. "You don't have to be so formal with me", he said softly.

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