[30] l i g h t s

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AN: au where gguk and tae hate each other

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AN: au where gguk and tae hate each other. shorter tae (165 cm). they're still famous. also, please, please, please don't come after me for the fact that tae is the least liked by ARMYs in this. this stuff (hate) actually happens irl. please be understanding that im using the opinions of these people to raise awareness.


Taehyung and Jungkook are enemies, rivals. It was common knowledge to everyone. If their names were ever brought up together in a sentence, it would always be something about their 'rivalry'. Taehyung never really hated Jungkook and he always thought their rivalry was stupid, all he really wanted to do was make friends with the younger.

If he said he wasn't jealous of the youngest, he would be lying. The dark pinkette had everything. A good life, great friends, talent and a complete family. Taehyung himself was stuck with a dead family. They had died in a house fire 2 months ago and the soft pinkette never bothered to tell the others about his family, it would have been time spent crying rather than practising.

Taehyung was the least favoured member of BTS. He was happy for Jungkook, everyone seemed to like him, but the things people said about him online were getting to him. They had been ever since his family had died. He had begun to lose weight and started self-harming again, as well as falling back into his anorexic ways.

The others didn't really seem to notice, they were all too busy showering Jungkook with undivided attention to notice the soft pinkette's suffering, but he didn't mind. As long as they, and most importantly Jungkook, were happy, he would be happy as well.

He sat in the back of the studio as the others were currently doing the dance number for 'Euphoria'. Jungkook didn't want to older in the number, so Taehyung willingly sat out, plastered a fake smile onto his face and watched as the others acted like a family. He had been excluded from this little 'family' ever since the beginning, simply because the maknae disliked him. To them, he was just an acquaintance, not a friend, not a son, not a brother, nothing. And he felt like nothing, especially with what everyone was saying online.

Speaking of online, his phone went off and he checked it, to find his solo Twitter account had been mentioned by someone by the name of BT21S6. It was a comment about his weight. He knew it wrong, but he believed it. He felt a churning in his stomach, almost as if it knew what was coming. He quickly stood up and ran out of the studio to the bathroom, though nobody noticed. He kneeled by the toilet and stuck two of his longest fingers down his throat, bringing up the food he had eaten earlier in the day.

He rinsed his mouth and gurgled mouthwash to get rid of the smell before he washed his hands 3 times to avoid any questions. He walked back into the studio to find the others practising as if he hadn't just run off like a mad man. He sighed and sat back down, picking up his phone once again.


Euphoria was playing and Taehyung watched as the 5 members ran off the left-wing backstage as they allowed Jungkook to sing and do a small solo dance before they would rejoin him. Taehyung stood in the right-wing when he heard the staff members talking.

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