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shorter!tae violence! taekook will be only friends in the beginning.



now, taehyung was aware that he wasn't exactly the most favoured member out of the staff, they made that pretty clear, but at least they had the decency to treat him relatively equally to the other members. but there was one manager, lee beomseok, who didn't hide his dislike for the soft pinkette from him. he would regularly have violent outbursts when it was just the two of them, that's why taehyung preferred manager sejin over manager beomseok.

today was another day like that. the smaller's voice had cracked on stage and he tried to play off his upset and fear by acting cute and stomping his feet adorably in front of the crowd, resulting in a few laughs and an 'aww' from jungkook, which he returned with a smile. however, as soon as they got backstage, the vocalist fisted his trembling hands to put off a panic attack.

"well-done everyone!", manager sejin cheered, clapping for them and giving taehyung an apologetic pat on the back, his eyes telling him that the voice crack was okay and that it happened sometimes. the soft pinkette silently thanked him for it but, if it was so normal, why did none of the other members' voices crack?

"yes, well-done", beomseok gave a tight-lipped smile before giving the soft pinkette a pointed stare and he nodded curtly in return. "sejin you take the van with the others, i'll ride the car with taehyung", he 'suggested' the aforementioned nodding and agreeing to the statement, sweeping the others into the white van with a couple of staff members.

as soon as they were out of sight, the older man grabbed taehyung by his sleeve and dragged him to the black car and practically threw him inside, slamming the door shut, almost slamming it on the smaller's leg as he did so, making him flinch before he quickly scrambled to buckle his seatbelt. the taller male got into the car and shut his door, starting the car and speeding off to their hotel and dragging the poor boy into his room as soon as they arrived.

the brunette slammed the door shut, making the soft pinkette flinch before a slap was delivered and he whimpered. his cheeks stung and he wanted to just break down and cry but he knew that he couldn't start crying until the night was over. a couple more slaps were delivered and he did his best to keep his whimpering to himself before he was punched in the stomach.

"what makes you think that a voice crack is an okay thing to do?", beomseok snarled, slamming his heel into the smaller's groin, almost pulling a loud whimper of pain out of him, but he kept it to himself. "you're voice is shit already and what the fuck are you doing out there, fucking up the entire performance?"

taehyung knew better than to answer him, that just dragged to torture out for longer, so allowed the larger man to beat the crap out of him, choking on his blood after the manager punched him in the face, resulting in a gushing nose and a split lip before another punch was delivered to his torso. it had been a couple of hours since this started and the older man had downed a couple of beers and smashed the bottles over the soft pinkette's head as well, which resulted in a patch of dark red at the top of his head.

"you're free to go, bitch", the brunette growled, yanking the trembling boy to his feet and shoving him out the door.

taehyung limped as quickly as he could to his room, swiping the key-card against the scanner and opening the door, not making sure to check if anyone else was in the room before he ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet as he began to vomit.

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