[033] all these years 2

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AN: Here is part 2 to 'All These Years', hope you guys like it

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AN: Here is part 2 to 'All These Years', hope you guys like it. Also, thank you so, so, so, so, so, so, so much for 1.2K views and 104 votes on this book when it was just started a couple of months ago. Without further ado... here we go.


" Tae! It's so good to see you back in the studio! To what do we owe the pleasure", Roger asked.

" Oh, um, I wrote a song", he replied, holding out a couple of sheets of paper.

Roger took them from her hands and beckoned her to follow him. They walked into a room and Taehyung immediately noticed that Ari and Taylor were in there with their managers. He gave them a little wave and they squealed, standing up and hugging him. The soft pinkette laughed and hugged them back. All the while, Roger was reading the lyrics to the song and a slow smirk was forming on his face.

" Boy, what are you doing here?", Ariana asked.

Taehyung gave a small smile and nodded to Roger. " Just came in to start developing a song I wrote", he replied.

" Mmmhmmm", Roger said, looking up at him, a smirk plastered on his face and his eyebrows raised.

" I know that look, Roger. Spill!", Taylor said as the 3 of them turned to face him. The other two managers in the room had done so as well.

" Well, it seems like our little Taehyungie has fallen way too deep in love with Matthew", he said, exaggerating the word Taehyungie from Taehyung, making him sound younger than he was.

The two other singers looked at their Korean friend and they both fake-gagged while the smaller had a disgusted grimace on his face.

" Ew, gross, no!", he said.

" WHAT?!", everyone in the room responded.

" I broke up with that piece of shit", the soft pinkette said.

" Okay, so Taehyung is in love with a mystery guy...", Ariana said.

Everyone in the room laughed, but they all agreed.

Just as they finished laughing, the door to the studio opened and in stepped Andrew, holding an orange, red and pink folder in his left hand.

" Hey, Rog, anyone using the guitars? And would it be alright if we developed a song in here while you peeps are around?", he asked.

" We?", Taylor question.

Andrew stepped to the side and Jungkook walked through the door. Taehyung stood up from the couch.

" BABE!", he squealed, launching herself into his arms and wrapping his legs around the taller's waist.

He took the older's weight easily and Taehyung pressed their foreheads together.

" Hey, baby", he chuckled giving him a quick kiss and setting the soft pinkette down. He immediately wrapped his arms around the younger's torso and buried his face in his chest.

"Baby Doll, I'm gonna need you to let go if you want to sit down", Jungkook chuckled.

Taehyung hummed but didn't let go.

" Alright", Jungkook said as he picked him up and supported him from his ass, walking over to the couch and sitting down. The soft pinkette just snuggled deeper into his chest. He laughed.

The other 6 people in the room gaped at them.

" What?", Jungkook asked as Taehyung lifted her head up.

" When did this-" Taylor gestured to them- " happen?", she asked.

" 3 weeks ago", the smaller answered.

" I had no idea that you two knew each other", Andrew said.

" We grew up together, practically shared the same house. I have so many of Tae's personal items in my room, it's almost as if he just permanently moved into my room in 5th grade", the darker pinkette said.

" The only thing I didn't move over to his house was my dog, Thunder", he said.

" Oh, yeah, Jungkook doesn't like dogs", Roger said.

" I know he said that in an interview, but that was just to appear not lame. He's actually allergic to them, isn't that right Cuddle Bunny?", he said, pinching his cheeks at the end.

" Very right, Taebaby", he said, scrunching up his nose and shaking his head to get the older to let go.

" You guys are adorable", Ariana said, leaning on one arm to watch them.

They looked at each other eyebrows raised and shrugged. Taehyung giggled and tried to hide again, but this time, Jungkook picked him up from under the armpits and set him down on the couch.

" Oh, no, honey", he said as a joke. " You have a song to develop and I would like to watch you."

Taehyung laughed and gave him a kiss.


AN: So, we done with another and I know it's super short and I'll make up for it in the next one. The songs they produce in this one-shot are All These Years and If I Can's Have You.


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