[005] Thorns

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   Be careful when you fall in love

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Be careful when you fall in love. Sometimes, the roses come, and with the roses, come to their thorns.

Taehyung had never understood that saying. It seemed a little ridiculous and far-fetched for him, just overall very stupid and he was always annoyed whenever someone said those words to him, because he didn't know what it meant, so he couldn't actually be careful.

The light pinkette groaned and continued his walk down the hall, dragging his feet slightly because he had been woken up by banging on his door and a very excited Hoseok screaming something along the lines that he had an announcement to make.

Taehyung pushed the door to the living room open and was met by 6 angry glares, making the light pinkette roll his eyes. "Stop looking at me like that, Jungkook. You and I both know that you would have just stayed in bed if I had done the same to you", he grumbled.

"Yeah, you have a point, I would have just gone back to bed", Jungkook chuckled.

"Okay, so why did you wake us up this ridiculously early, hmm?", Jimin asked.

"Jungkook and I have an announcement", Hoseok said, standing up.

"We're dating!", Jungkook exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Hoseok's waist.

"WOW!", Jin exclaimed. "This is amazing!"

"Now the only single one here is Taehyung, right?", Jimin teased.

But Taehyung couldn't muster a laugh, he couldn't even fake one if he wanted to. As soon as Jimin said those words, he felt something tickle the back of his throat and his lungs squeezed painfully, resulting in him doubling over coughing.

"Are you okay, Tae?", Namjoon asked, slowly standing up.

Taehyung waved him off and ran to his bedroom, slamming the door and sinking to the floor as his coughing fit continued to take over him. He gagged a little as something came up his throat and his eyes widened in fear as a white rose petal fell to the floor.

"Oh, god, did I accidentally eat a flower?", he asked himself before he began to think rationally. "No, not possible, I'll just look it up."

Coughing up flowers.

There were hundreds of results, but he clicked on the Korean doctorate website. He scrolled down, past the introductory part of the website, down to where the only disease was listed

Coughing up flowers is only associated with the Hanahaki disease, which is an infection of the lungs born from unrequited love. It causes the patient's lungs to fill up with what starts as delicate, white rose petals, but then white roses grow and their thrones do as well. The more the patient is in love, the larger the thorns. This disease can cause death, the only solutions are a special surgery done, but this will remove all the patient's previous feelings, or the patient has to fall out of love or get the latter to fall in love with them. Hanahaki disease is very rare.

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