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 Jungkook rubbed reassuring circles on Taehyung's back as the older's chest began to rise and fall erratically

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 Jungkook rubbed reassuring circles on Taehyung's back as the older's chest began to rise and fall erratically. Taehyung had never been the best at heart to heart talks, sure, he was an overly-drastic human being and a complete drama queen, but when it came to deep talks with people he still wasn't fully comfortable with had him a blubbering mess and it was absolutely infuriating and frustrating, not to mention ridiculously embarrassing far past a small extent.

"Well, what did you call us here for", Jimin asked softly, staring at the two as Jungkook continued to rub Taehyung's back.

The lighter pinkette chewed on his lower lip, sucking it in and feeling it rest perfectly between his two rows of teeth. He looked down and began to trace the patterns on the ugly burgundy and beige couch, slightly upset that no-one had taken his suggestion to buy a new couch seriously. He picked at random loose threads, trying to take his mind off the words that would come his way soon.

Jungkook noticed his boyfriend's discomfort and decided that he would tell the hyungs. He took a deep breath, collecting himself, grasping Taehyung's hand and intertwining their fingers, using his thumb to continue softly rubbing circles in a vain attempt to calm the lighter pinkette. He turned to the hyungs, eyes meeting their expectant faces.

"Taehyung and I are dating", Jungkook blurted out quickly.

Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand, searching for comfort in Jungkook's embrace. The hyungs stared at them, completely unimpressed. The only one who had understood them deeply enough was Hobi. He stood up, smiling his blinding smile and clapped his hands excitedly.

"Congrats guys, I'm-", the sunshine was cut off by Yoongi, though.

"Really?", Yoongi said, a hint of anger laced with the sarcasm and annoyance his tone held. "You think that this is a funny prank to pull, you know?"

Taehyung flinched slightly at the sound of the mint-haired boy's voice. Hoseok's smile fell as he stared at his boyfriend in utter disbelief. He couldn't believe how immature Yoongi was acting right now.

"You really expect us to believe something like this?", Jimin questioned. "We know you guys love to pull pranks on us, but this is one step too far and you really have to stop, most of your jokes aren't even funny, just outright dumb and boring, seriously."

"You guys know we support the LGBTQI+ community, why the hell would you joke about something like this in such a stupid way?", Namjoon questioned. "Seriously, who raised you?"

"You're not even close, hell would freeze over before you guys fell in love", Jin said. "It makes zero sense, like absolutely no sense. At this point, I feel like you're just pulling nonsense pranks on us that have no humour in them at all."

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, restraining the tears that were threating to fall down his cheeks. This was exactly what the older was afraid was going to happen. That their hyungs would take them as some sort of joke. He felt Jungkook subconsciously squeeze his hand, a nervous tick of his.

"You guys wouldn't even make a good couple, you don't suit each other", Yoongi said.

"Yeah, Taehyung's shy and conservative while Jungkook's outgoing and bubbly", Jimin added on.

Taehyung flinched and Jungkook grimaced as the hyungs continued to degrade their relationship. The darker pinkette was incredibly stirred that the hyungs would go that far. Yes, he and Taehyung had both pulled a few silly pranks on the hyungs every now and then, but that was only when they were absolutely desperate for a laugh. They had never actually put anyone in danger before, weren't planning to any time soon.

Hoseok's heart clenched in pain as he watched Taehyung subtly move farther and farther away from the rest of their group. A small smile made its way onto sunshine's face as he realised that Taehyung was sub-consciously inching closer and closer to Jungkook, but dropped once again as more degrading words were thrown at them.

A wrenched sob escaped Taehyung's lips as he stood up and ran to his and Jungkook's shared room. He couldn't believe that the hyungs he had grown to trust didn't fully trust him. Sure, some of the pranks he had pulled in the past weren't exactly the nicest, but he had never gone so far as to make someone cry.

The lighter pinkette felt himself get wrapped in a strong embrace, warmth engulfing him, making his tensed muscles relax a fraction of a bit as they rocked back and forth slowly, Jungkook breathing in and out deeply in an attempt to slow the older's hurried breaths.

Back in the living room, Hoseok was glaring at the empty space, trying to regulate his breathing as he made an attempt to not rage in anger at the others, though it was becoming increasingly difficult as they continued to chit chat and degrade what they thought was a silly 'prank'.

"God", Jin chuckled. "I would have never believed them in the first place."

That's when Hoseok snapped. "What is wrong with you guys!?"

"What?", Jimin questioned.

"Are you blind?", sunshine questioned. "Did you not see how they were getting upset when you told them that they wouldn't look good together? And the thing about them not being close. Who do you think brought Jungkook out of his pathetic little bubble? It was Taehyung. He approached Jungkook and worked the 16-year-old out of his introverted nature."

Silence. Then they all jumped when a door slammed, shaking their heads slightly as a light pink blur rushed past the living room in anger, holding a purple duffle bag as he stormed out the door. Jungkook appeared in the doorway of the living room, breathing heavily as he looked at Hoseok.

"Hobi hyung", he said, catching the redhead's attention. "We're out, heading to Baekhyun hyung's for a few days, don't come looking for us. Love you!"

The darker pinkette left the room and Hoseok threw his arms up in utter frustration. Now he was really agitated and he wasn't happy about how the other members just stared at him blankly.

"And now you've chased them off", he said, throat closing and voice cracking as tears brimmed his eyes. "Great job, guys. Some friends you are", the redhead walked away and towards his room, slamming the door harshly, hoping the ones in the living room would here.

"Guys", Namjoon said. "We really fucked up."


Please no hate for them, it's just a random idea I had. Now, who wants a part 2?


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