[25] Nightmares

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   He woke up with a gasp again, sweat dripping down his forehead, mingling with the tears that glistened on his cheeks, trickling down, leaving a shimmering sheen on his face, falling to die at his lips

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   He woke up with a gasp again, sweat dripping down his forehead, mingling with the tears that glistened on his cheeks, trickling down, leaving a shimmering sheen on his face, falling to die at his lips. That night would never leave his mind and it was slowly eating him away. He hadn't been able to get proper sleep in over seven months and it was killing him.


Hours passed and Taehyung was still laying on the bed, eyes wide open as he stared out the window, the hues of pink and orange indicated dawn and the pinkette hadn't gotten more than half an hour of sleep, maybe even less. He watched the sunrise and only rolled out of his bed when there was warm light streaming through his window and hitting his feet, heating them up to the point of discomfort.

He checked his phone and groaned. 8 am. He had attempted going to sleep 13 hours ago and the last time he checked his phone, which was more or less an hour after he was awoken by the nightmare, it was 10 pm. He had been laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling for ten fucking hours. Ten hours.

He sighed and walked to his bathroom, taking a cold shower in a vain attempt to wake his brain up. He yanked his grey sweats and a black hoodie over his head, grabbing his black vans and throwing the hood up and over his head. He checked the time on his phone and groaned when he realised he was late. Again.


He burst into the dance room, head hanging low as his pink locks peaked out from under the hood. Dark circles accompanied the bags under his eyes, contrasting with his pale complexion and colourless lips. He was exhausted.

They immediately got to practising the choreography for Dimple, but Taehyung was completely out of it. He tripped and grasped onto Namjoon, who was standing nearby, to stop himself from falling. He had been avoiding eye-contact with anyone today so that they wouldn't see the state he was in, but when Namjoon caught him, he was forced to look the blonde in the eyes, making the leader gasp.

"What?", Jin questioned as the choreographer paused the music.

"Taehyung", Namjoon stated sternly. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yes..., maybe..., no...", he trailed off, looking away ashamedly.

"Go back to the dorms, go to sleep", the leader said softly.

"I-I can't", he stuttered, violently shaking his head.

"Why not?", Jimin questioned, setting his water bottle down.

It suddenly clicked in Jungkook's head. How terrified his best friend seemed to be and it suddenly all made sense to him. "It's back again, isn't it, hyung?", he asked quietly, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Yes", Taehyung whispered, as tears began to run down his cheeks. The older stumbled forward and into Jungkook's extended arms, the dark pinkette wrapping his arms around the deeper-voice vocalist's waist, picking him up with ease, one hand supporting him from his bottom, the other going and forcefully wrapping the older's legs around his waist. Taehyung instinctively wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, hands tangling in his hair.

"I'll go with him, he needs me", the youngest stated.

"Why?", Yoongi questioned, leaning into Hoseok's shoulder when the redhead wrapped an arm around the mint-haired boy's waist.

"He needs someone to cuddle with him for... personal reasons", the vocalist replied firmly, walking out of the room with the older still clinging onto him tightly.


By the time they had gotten to the dorms, Taehyung was asleep, which made Jungkook chuckle as he saw how comfortable the baby-like older was already comfortable in his arms, knowing that it was the youngest of their group who was holding him so tightly.

Jungkook lay the soft pinkette down, chuckling slightly when the older whined, feeling the loss of warmth. The youngest crawled into the bed next to his secret boyfriend and wrapped his arms around the deeper-voiced boy's waist, pulling the covers over the two of them.

Taehyung had nothing to say, but he couldn't deny that it was the best sleep he had had in months



AN: super short chapter. It's a filler and that's all :)

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