[011] 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥

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AN: Stranger Things AU alert! ヅ

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AN: Stranger Things AU alert! ヅ

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The gunshots rang throughout the building as Jungkook crouched underneath the cafeteria tables, his best friends, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok, and his boyfriend, Taehyung, squished in with him as an attacker shot bullets everywhere throughout the cafeteria. He heard a small whimper and turned to find Taehyung trembling slightly and flinching every time a bullet was shot.

"It's okay, baby, it's okay", Jungkook comforted him, but Taehyung shook his head vigorously.

What the darker pinkette didn't know was that the man that was shooting the bullets right now was Taehyung's father. The older knew exactly what his father wanted, and the only one that would be able to stop him was Taehyung. He and his telekinesis could kill his father with just one look, but all that Taehyung would do was hold him off until the police arrived. He knew what his father wanted, his father wanted him dead. Kim Taejun had always been alcoholic and abused drugs and, to him, his son was a freak.

"No", Tahyung said. "I can't just sit here and do nothing! I can't!"

Taehyung crawled out from under the table, receiving many gasps from the students as he stood up and faced his father.

"You", the grey-haired man snarled, words slurring and stance swaying out of the effort.

"Me", Taehyung replied firmly.

Heads peaked out from under tables as Taehyung approached the man. Bang! A pained cry came out of Taehyung as a bullet shot him in the leg, but he secured it in place with his mind to stop the bleeding. Jungkook moved forward to crawl to him, but Jimin yanked his arm back.

"Are you crazy!?", Jungkook questioned. "That's my boyfriend!"

"He wouldn't want you getting hurt."

A dry chuckle left Taehyung's lips as he stared at the red stain on his pant leg. "Bad move, father."

The man's eyes widened in fear as Taehyung struck an arm out, the gun immediately knocked out of his hand, the clatter that sounded made students snap their heads to see if Taehyung had attacked, but the light pinkette was still standing by his table.

"Whaaaaaattt?", the word dragged out of Hoseok's mouth in shock.

"I told you to not mess with me", Taehyung growled, his arm now pushing forward, making his father get slammed back into a table.

He raised his arm and lifted his father off the ground, a small trickle of blood began to come out of Tae's left nostril. He raised his arm a bit higher and his father screamed. He curled his fingers together and his father began to choke. Taehyung slammed his arm down harshly, making his father fall to the floor with a sickening thud.

He forced th grey-haired man's hands behind his back and approached him slowly before tying his arms together with twine and then bending his legs in half backwards and tying those as well, so Taejun could no longer move. Police sirens sounded and a whole team of police officers burst through the doors, only to find the perp with a light pinkette sitting on top of him, hands firmly secured behind his back. One of the officers recognised him and helped him up off the ground due to how weak using his powers had made him.

"You're okay, Taehyung", Mr Ro said softly. "You're okay. Good job kid", the older ravenette ruffled Tae's hair as students emerged from under their tables.

Sobs began to wrack the light pinkette's body as the pain from the bullet began to have some effect on him. Jungkook rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Taehyung before looking down at his leg.

"We're going to have to pull it out", he spoke softly, running behind the kitchen counter and grabbing a knife, lighting it with a flame before rinsing it with alcohol and wiping it off.

He walked to Taehyung and all their friends were crowded around him, along with the team of officers and the rest of the students. Jungkook walked towards him with the knife and Tae barely registered what was happening, until the knife was almost on his skin.

"Wait, wait", he said, his voice thick from tears. "I can do it myself", he whispered.

"Okay", Jungkook said. "Do you need me to do anything?"

"Just, hold my hand please?"

The older raised a shaking hand over his leg and scrunched his eyes up in concentration. He felt a stinging pain in his leg as he felt the bullet move a little. He repeated the action but with slightly more concentration and his leg felt as if it was set on fire. Pained screams wracked through the entire room as students clapped hands over their ears, trying to block out the horrifying sound of someone in pain. With one particularly long agonising second, the bullet came out of his leg and fell to the floor with a clatter.

Jungkook immediately wrapped the wound in a bandage as an ambulance pulled into the parking lot. Paramedics hopped out and immediately whisked Taehyung away on a stretcher, Jungkook running next to him. They hopped into the back of the ambulance and Jungkook held onto Taheyung's hand as the older grimaced and squeezed the darker pinkette's hand tighter in return.

"Baby", Jungkook cooed softly, grabbing the older's attention. "You'll be okay. It'll okay, there's nothing to worry about. They're just going to disinfect and bandage your leg that's all."

"Promise?", Taehyung asked.


"I love you, Koo", Taehyung said softly.

"Love you, too", the younger replied, leaning down and pressing a small kiss to his lips.


AN: I've been wanting to do this for a long time, so AYYYEE!!!

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