i'm sorry and no one probably cares but please read

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alright guysi would seriously like to sincerely apologise for what happened in stuck with you. how i work is i have a document with a bunch of smuts that i think are amazing and i read over every once in a while so that i know the difference between good smut and bad smut. the reason why these smuts are in a document is because i have so many private ao3 bookmarks that i can never find any of my bookmarks most of the time.i did not realise that i had pasted that smut in the document for stuck with you instead of the document with the good smut and i do not edit and proofread my works myself, i have a friend who does it for me, so they didn't know, i didn't realise and it just happened.you're probably wondering how i didn't realise, i haven't been picking up on a lot of things as of late. i'm stressed and sleep-deprived and my insomnia isn't letting me get a good night's sleep and i'm basically a disappointment child. school has recently just started up and there are so many new students have arrived which means that we have to introductions, online. unrealistically, my school wants us to start at 7:30 am when all our sleep schedules are fucked up from the holidays and quarantine in general. and, of course, with new students, introductions are also needed. we're required to talk about our families and shit and when i first said that i don't have a mother, everyone was immediately messaging me about it.most of you probably don't know how upsetting explaining your parent's death to privileged rich kids who don't know that money doesn't grow on trees is. i have had to explain over and over again that my mother was afraid of her own disease so she never sought out help from the hospital and it got so bad to the point where her kidney failure began affecting her breathing. she also turned out to have brain cancer and there was no way that she was going to survive.i was twelve. and i was sitting in a hospital room just watching someone who had been so supportive of everything i had ever done just waste away before my eyes. i had to witness so many seizures over the course of only ten days and she died when i wasn't in the hospital and knowing that i didn't even get to say a proper goodbye was the worst of it. i had almost never fought with her but i never got to tell her i love her one last time, so being forced to explain that to my classmates that just cannot grasp the concept that i'm not as rich as them and that i cannot force doctors to prioritise my family members as they can was painful.and just today, i got yelled at once again for not understanding math. i may have skipped a grade, but my brain just cannot process simple maths. and i suppose my dad had the right to yell at me as i was getting confused over basic simultaneous linear equations but i don't like getting yelled at, no one does, and i was upset. when i'm upset, i go to write, but when i'm upset, i also don't read which document i'm writing in, what i'm writing, who i'm texting, what i'm posting because i just zone out of life for a little while and come back down to earth once i've fucked shit up.i know that that's not an excuse and that i'm a huge fuck up, and i'm sorry. if you don't want to read any of my works anymore because of what happened today, then i understand. and to the original author, i'm sorry. i can only imagine how frustrating that must've been if you have been notified about it and you have every right to go off on me. if you wish to, then comment here and i will take it because i deserve it. if anyone wants a clean, pure, no-smut version of stuck with you that is purely my writing then i will consider it if enough people ask for it. but for now, i have decided to take one-two weeks off of writing just to sort my shit out and make sure that something like this never happens again. words cannot even begin to express how upset and angry and frustrated at myself i am and they cannot even begin to explain how sorry i am to the original author. once again, if you want to stop reading my works from this day on, that is understandable. i deserve it.in regards to the art, i do not claim that the originals are mine, because they are not. i am not making a profit out of drawing these and i would never dream of doing a commission using someone else's art. this is just basic practice for me to draw less realistic drawings and more in the style of cartoons, but i would never ever use these drawings and claim that they are mine and mine only, because that is wrong. if you want to see some of my own realism, i will post it, but, as stated above, i probably won't post anything for a while because i hate myself. i am so so so sorry.~rhyme

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